Module jEdit

Interface Widget

All Known Implementing Classes:
LastModifiedWidgetFactory.LastModifiedWidget, SelectionLengthWidgetFactory.SelectionLengthWidget

public interface Widget
Status Bar Widget interface.
jEdit 4.3pre14
Matthieu Casanova
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the component that will be inserted in the status bar
    default void
    a callback telling that the properties have been changed, the widget can update itself if needed
    default void
    A refresh is asked to the widget
  • Method Details

    • getComponent

      JComponent getComponent()
      Returns the component that will be inserted in the status bar
      a JComponent
    • propertiesChanged

      default void propertiesChanged()
      a callback telling that the properties have been changed, the widget can update itself if needed
    • update

      default void update()
      A refresh is asked to the widget