Module platform

Class DefaultLogAxisEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, FocusListener, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible

public class DefaultLogAxisEditor extends JPanel
A panel for editing properties of a LogAxis.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • localizationResources

      protected static ResourceBundle localizationResources
      The resourceBundle for the localization.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultLogAxisEditor

      public DefaultLogAxisEditor(LogAxis axis)
      Standard constructor: builds a property panel for the specified axis.
      axis - the axis, which should be changed.
  • Method Details

    • createTickUnitPanel

      protected JPanel createTickUnitPanel()
      Creates a panel for editing the tick unit.
      A panel.
    • actionPerformed

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
      Handles actions from within the property panel.
      Specified by:
      actionPerformed in interface ActionListener
      event - an event.
    • focusLost

      public void focusLost(FocusEvent event)
      Revalidates minimum/maximum range.
      Specified by:
      focusLost in interface FocusListener
      event - the event.
    • toggleAutoTick

      public void toggleAutoTick()
      Toggles the auto-tick-unit setting.
    • validateTickUnit

      public void validateTickUnit()
      Validates the tick unit entered.
    • setAxisProperties

      public void setAxisProperties(Axis axis)
      Sets the properties of the specified axis to match the properties defined on this panel.
      axis - the axis.
    • isAutoTickUnitSelection

      protected boolean isAutoTickUnitSelection()
      Getter for the autoTickUnitSelection flag.
      The value of the flag for enabling auto-tickunit-selection.
    • setAutoTickUnitSelection

      protected void setAutoTickUnitSelection(boolean autoTickUnitSelection)
      Setter for the autoTickUnitSelection flag.
      autoTickUnitSelection - The new value for auto-tickunit-selection.
    • getAutoTickUnitSelectionCheckBox

      protected JCheckBox getAutoTickUnitSelectionCheckBox()
      Get the checkbox that enables/disables auto-tickunit-selection.
      The checkbox.
    • setAutoTickUnitSelectionCheckBox

      protected void setAutoTickUnitSelectionCheckBox(JCheckBox autoTickUnitSelectionCheckBox)
      Set the checkbox that enables/disables auto-tickunit-selection.
      autoTickUnitSelectionCheckBox - The checkbox.
    • isAutoRange

      public boolean isAutoRange()
      Returns the current setting of the auto-range property.
      true if auto range is enabled.
    • getMinimumValue

      public double getMinimumValue()
      Returns the current setting of the minimum value in the axis range.
      The current setting of the minimum value in the axis range.
    • getMaximumValue

      public double getMaximumValue()
      Returns the current setting of the maximum value in the axis range.
      The current setting of the maximum value in the axis range.
    • attemptGridStrokeSelection

      protected void attemptGridStrokeSelection()
      Handle a grid stroke selection.
    • attemptGridPaintSelection

      protected void attemptGridPaintSelection()
      Handle a grid paint selection.
    • focusGained

      public void focusGained(FocusEvent event)
      Does nothing.
      Specified by:
      focusGained in interface FocusListener
      event - the event.
    • toggleAutoRange

      public void toggleAutoRange()
      Toggle the auto range setting.
    • validateMinimum

      public void validateMinimum()
      Revalidate the range minimum.
    • validateMaximum

      public void validateMaximum()
      Revalidate the range maximum.
    • getInstance

      public static org.jfree.chart.editor.DefaultAxisEditor getInstance(Axis axis)
      A static method that returns a panel that is appropriate for the axis type.
      axis - the axis whose properties are to be displayed/edited in the panel.
      A panel or null if axis is null.
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Returns the current axis label.
      The current axis label.
    • getLabelFont

      public Font getLabelFont()
      Returns the current label font.
      The current label font.
    • getLabelPaint

      public Paint getLabelPaint()
      Returns the current label paint.
      The current label paint.
    • isTickLabelsVisible

      public boolean isTickLabelsVisible()
      Returns a flag that indicates whether or not the tick labels are visible.
      true if tick mark labels are visible.
    • getTickLabelFont

      public Font getTickLabelFont()
      Returns the font used to draw the tick labels (if they are showing).
      The font used to draw the tick labels.
    • getTickLabelPaint

      public Paint getTickLabelPaint()
      Returns the current tick label paint.
      The current tick label paint.
    • isTickMarksVisible

      public boolean isTickMarksVisible()
      Returns the current value of the flag that determines whether or not tick marks are visible.
      true if tick marks are visible.
    • getTickLabelInsets

      public RectangleInsets getTickLabelInsets()
      Returns the current tick label insets value
      The current tick label insets value.
    • getLabelInsets

      public RectangleInsets getLabelInsets()
      Returns the current label insets value
      The current label insets value.
    • getOtherTabs

      public JTabbedPane getOtherTabs()
      Returns a reference to the tabbed pane.
      A reference to the tabbed pane.
    • attemptTickLabelFontSelection

      public void attemptTickLabelFontSelection()
      Presents a tick label font selection dialog to the user.