Module gl1

Class GLSLUpdateCache

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GLSLUpdateCache extends GLDisplay.GLVisitor
GLSLUpdateCache is an Implementation of GLDisplay.GLVisitor. This visitor is used to traverse a Scene Graph. For each node it visits a reference is saved effectively transforming the graph into multiple arrays of graph-nodes. The nodes are sorted by their type into transparent material, solid material, tools labels and lightsources.
Konni Hartmann
  • Constructor Details

    • GLSLUpdateCache

      public GLSLUpdateCache(GLSLDisplay disp)
      Constructor for GLSLUpdateCache. This is used to store a reference to the GLSLDisplay using this visitor. A reference is needed to gain access to the OpenGLState and the current Rendergraph-State
      disp - The Display using this Visitor
  • Method Details