Module jEdit

Class StructureMatcher.Highlight

Enclosing interface:

public static class StructureMatcher.Highlight extends TextAreaExtension
Paints the structure match highlight.
  • Method Details

    • paintValidLine

      public void paintValidLine(Graphics2D gfx, int screenLine, int physicalLine, int start, int end, int y)
      Description copied from class: TextAreaExtension
      Called by the text area when the extension is to paint a screen line which has an associated physical line number in the buffer. Note that since one physical line may consist of several screen lines due to soft wrap, the start and end offsets of the screen line are passed in as well.
      paintValidLine in class TextAreaExtension
      gfx - The graphics context
      screenLine - The screen line number
      physicalLine - The physical line number
      start - The offset where the screen line begins, from the start of the buffer
      end - The offset where the screen line ends, from the start of the buffer
      y - The y co-ordinate of the top of the line's bounding box