Module xl.compiler

Class TypeScope


public final class TypeScope extends Scope
  • Field Details

    • instanceInit

      public final MethodScope instanceInit
    • staticInit

      public final MethodScope staticInit
    • enclosingInstance

      public final XField enclosingInstance
  • Constructor Details

    • TypeScope

      public TypeScope(Scope enclosing, CClass type, long modifiersHi, Compiler compiler, antlr.collections.AST node)
  • Method Details

    • nextLocalClassId

      public int nextLocalClassId()
    • get

      public static TypeScope get(Scope scope)
    • getNonlocal

      public static TypeScope getNonlocal(Scope scope)
    • getAST

      public antlr.collections.AST getAST()
    • getCompiler

      public Compiler getCompiler()
      getCompiler in class Scope
    • createMethodScope

      public MethodScope createMethodScope(long modifiers)
    • getModifiersEx

      public long getModifiersEx()
    • getAssertionsDisabledField

      public Field getAssertionsDisabledField()
    • hasAssertionsDisabledField

      public boolean hasAssertionsDisabledField()
    • getFieldForEnclosingLocal

      public Field getFieldForEnclosingLocal(Local local)
    • getEnclosingLocals

      public ObjectList<Local> getEnclosingLocals()
    • getConstructorScopes

      public ObjectList getConstructorScopes()
    • getAllContainedMethodScopes

      public ObjectList getAllContainedMethodScopes()
    • setInstantiatorModule

      public void setInstantiatorModule()
    • getDeclaredType

      public CClass getDeclaredType()
      Description copied from class: Scope
      Returns the type of the innermost enclosing type declaration.
      getDeclaredType in class Scope
      type of innermost enclosing type declaration
    • getDeclaredEntity

      public Member getDeclaredEntity()
      getDeclaredEntity in class Scope
    • isStatic

      public boolean isStatic()
      Description copied from class: Scope
      Checks if this scope appears in a static context. This is defined by the Java Language Specification.
      isStatic in class Scope
      true iff this scope appears in a static context
    • isNonlocal

      public boolean isNonlocal()
    • addIncompleteConstructorInvocation

      public void addIncompleteConstructorInvocation(Invoke e)
    • getIncompleteConstructorInvocations

      public ObjectList getIncompleteConstructorInvocations()
    • setASTOfDeclaration

      public void setASTOfDeclaration(Field field, antlr.collections.AST ast)
    • getASTOfDeclaration

      public antlr.collections.AST getASTOfDeclaration(Field field)
    • findMembers

      public void findMembers(String name, int flags, Members list)
      Description copied from class: Scope
      Finds all members which are declared in this scope or enclosing scopes. This method should be overwritten by subclasses; an invocation of super.findMembers has to be included in order to look for members in enclosing scopes. The flags are a combination of the bit masks defined in Members, they are used to restrict the range of possible members.
      findMembers in class Scope
      name - simple name of the members to find
      flags - combination of masks defined in Members
      list - found members are added to this list
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object