Module platform

Interface VectorXYDataset

All Superinterfaces:
Dataset, SeriesDataset, XYDataset
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface VectorXYDataset extends XYDataset
An extension of the XYDataset interface that allows a vector to be defined at a specific (x, y) location.
  • Method Details

    • getVectorXValue

      double getVectorXValue(int series, int item)
      Returns the x-component of the vector for an item in a series.
      series - the series index.
      item - the item index.
      The x-component of the vector.
    • getVectorYValue

      double getVectorYValue(int series, int item)
      Returns the y-component of the vector for an item in a series.
      series - the series index.
      item - the item index.
      The y-component of the vector.
    • getVector

      Vector getVector(int series, int item)
      Returns the vector for an item in a series. Depending on the particular dataset implementation, this may involve creating a new Vector instance --- if you are just interested in the x and y components, use the getVectorXValue(int, int) and getVectorYValue(int, int) methods instead.
      series - the series index.
      item - the item index.
      The vector (possibly null).