Module jEdit

Class PageBreakExtension

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PageBreakExtension extends TextAreaExtension implements EBComponent
Draws a line across the text area indicating where a printing page break would be.
  • Constructor Details

    • PageBreakExtension

      public PageBreakExtension(JEditTextArea textArea)
  • Method Details

    • handleMessage

      public void handleMessage(EBMessage msg)
      Description copied from interface: EBComponent
      Handles a message sent on the EditBus. This method must specify the type of responses the plugin will have for various subclasses of the EBMessage class. Typically this is done with one or more if blocks that test whether the message is an instance of a derived message class in which the component has an interest. For example:
       if(msg instanceof BufferUpdate) {
           // a buffer's state has changed!
       else if(msg instanceof ViewUpdate) {
           // a view's state has changed!
       // ... and so on
      Specified by:
      handleMessage in interface EBComponent
      msg - The message
    • getPageBreakColor

      public Color getPageBreakColor()
    • setPageBreakColor

      public void setPageBreakColor(Color pageBreakColor)
    • isPageBreakEnabled

      public boolean isPageBreakEnabled()
    • setPageBreakEnabled

      public void setPageBreakEnabled(boolean pageBreak)
    • paintValidLine

      public void paintValidLine(Graphics2D gfx, int screenLine, int physicalLine, int start, int end, int y)
      Description copied from class: TextAreaExtension
      Called by the text area when the extension is to paint a screen line which has an associated physical line number in the buffer. Note that since one physical line may consist of several screen lines due to soft wrap, the start and end offsets of the screen line are passed in as well.
      paintValidLine in class TextAreaExtension
      gfx - The graphics context
      screenLine - The screen line number
      physicalLine - The physical line number
      start - The offset where the screen line begins, from the start of the buffer
      end - The offset where the screen line ends, from the start of the buffer
      y - The y co-ordinate of the top of the line's bounding box