Module raytracer

Interface Collector

All Superinterfaces:
DoubleToDouble, Spectrum
All Known Implementing Classes:
Collector3d, Collector3dList, CollectorW3d

public interface Collector extends Spectrum
This interface is used to store more information during the computation of the LightModel. Its an extension of the Spectrum interface, which means, that every Collector - instance can handled as a Spectrum instance. Every implementation of this interface is also a certain specialized Spectrum.
Stephan Rogge
  • Method Details

    • clone

      Collector clone()
      Returns a clone of this collector.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface Spectrum
      clone of this collector
    • newInstance

      Collector newInstance()
      Returns a new instance of the class of this collector. It is initialized to the zero function.
      Specified by:
      newInstance in interface Spectrum
      new instance of same class
    • getRayCount

      long getRayCount()
      Returns the number of rays, which hits the corresponding object.
      Number of rays.
    • add

      void add(Collector collector)
      This method combines to collectors to one single collector by add every corresponding value.
      collector - which has to be added to the corresponding instance.
    • setAsCollector

      void setAsCollector()
      The collector works like a Spectrum after initializing. Thats useful when this Collector-instance is used for the calculations in LightModel.
    • isCollector

      boolean isCollector()
      Return the state if this instance working as Collector or just as an Spectrum.
    • addToStatistic

      void addToStatistic(Tuple3d tuple, Spectrum spectrum, double scaleFactor, boolean isPrimary)
      Here the information of LightModel computation are stored.
      tuple - May this contains a certain vector (direction for example).
      spectrum - To added Spectrum.
      scaleFactor - For the added Spectrum.
      isPrimary - To distinguish from primary or secondary rays.
    • getSpectrumArithmeticMean

      void getSpectrumArithmeticMean(Spectrum spectrum)
      Set the arithmetic mean of all spectra to vector. The parameter vector should be initialized before.
      vector - Returns the arithmetic mean of all spectra for this Collector-instance.
    • getSpectrumVariance

      void getSpectrumVariance(Spectrum spectrum)
      This methods returns the variance of the spectra. The calculation for this is: sigma^2 = 1/N * ((sum of all spectra^2) - (N * x^2)) N ... The number of rays x ... The arithmetic mean of all spectra To get the standard deviation, just extract the root of the variance. For more information see .
    • getDirectionArithmeticMean

      void getDirectionArithmeticMean(Tuple3d tuple)
      Set the arithmetic mean of all directions (not normalized) to vector. The parameter vector should be initialized before.
      vector - Returns the arithmetic mean of all direction for this Collector-instance.
    • getDirectionVariance

      void getDirectionVariance(Tuple3d tuple)
      This methods returns the variance of the light-direction (not normalized). The calculation for this is: sigma^2 = 1/N * ((sum of all directions^2) - (N * x^2)) N ... The number of rays x ... The arithmetic mean of all direction To get the standard deviation, just extract the root of the variance. For more information see .
    • getCollectedValues

      void getCollectedValues(Tuple3d sumDir, Tuple3d sumSquareDir, Tuple3d sumSpec, Tuple3d sumSquareSpec)