Module jEdit

Class GeneralOptionPane

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, OptionPane

public class GeneralOptionPane extends AbstractOptionPane
jEdit's General Options Pane
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • checkFileStatus_none

      public static final int checkFileStatus_none
      See Also:
    • checkFileStatus_focus

      public static final int checkFileStatus_focus
      Check the buffer status when the view gets focus (low bit)
      See Also:
    • checkFileStatus_focusBuffer

      public static final int checkFileStatus_focusBuffer
      Check the file status when visiting the buffer (second bit)
      See Also:
    • checkFileStatus_all

      public static final int checkFileStatus_all
      This is actually a bitwise OR: (view focus | buffer focus)
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GeneralOptionPane

      public GeneralOptionPane()
  • Method Details

    • _init

      protected void _init()
      Description copied from class: AbstractOptionPane
      This method should create and arrange the components of the option pane and initialize the option data displayed to the user. This method is called when the option pane is first displayed, and is not called again for the lifetime of the object.
      _init in class AbstractOptionPane
    • _save

      protected void _save()
      Description copied from class: AbstractOptionPane
      Called when the options dialog's "ok" button is clicked. This should save any properties being edited in this option pane.
      _save in class AbstractOptionPane