Module jEdit
Package org.gjt.sp.jedit.options
package org.gjt.sp.jedit.options
ClassDescriptionAbbrev editor.Browser color editor.Right-click context menu editor.Right-click context menu editor.Panel to load three option panes into tabs: EditModesPane, ModeSettingsPane, and UndoPane.Option pane to set available edit modes and to add modes from a file.Encodings options.jEdit's General Options PaneA dialog that can open initially to one of the Global Option Panes.The options pane for handling large files.Option pane to change the settings of an edit mode.The plugin manager option pane.deprecated use CombinedOptions I've undeprecated this, CombinedOptions does not provide the same api and cannot be traded out for PluginOptions.The Save and Backup option panel.Key binding editor.Status bar editor.Style option pane.Tool bar editor.Set options for undo here.