Module platform

Class ClassCompletion

All Implemented Interfaces:
Completion, Comparable<Completion>

public class ClassCompletion extends AbstractCompletion
A completion for classes
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getReplacementText

      public String getReplacementText()
      Description copied from interface: Completion
      Returns the text to insert as the result of this auto-completion. This is the "complete" text, including any text that replaces what the user has already typed.
      The replacement text.
      See Also:
    • initializeProviders

      public void initializeProviders(CompletionProvider parent)
    • initializeProviders

      public void initializeProviders(CompletionProvider parent, Icon iconForConstructor)
    • getConstructorsProvider

      public CompletionProvider getConstructorsProvider()
    • getInternalsProvider

      public CompletionProvider getInternalsProvider()
    • addDefinitionString

      protected void addDefinitionString(StringBuilder sb)
    • getDefinitionString

      public String getDefinitionString()
      Return the definition of this variable completion.
      The definition string.
    • getDefinedIn

      public String getDefinedIn()
      in a package
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this variable.
      The name.
    • getSummary

      public String getSummary()
      Description copied from interface: Completion
      Returns the description of this auto-complete choice. This can be used in a popup "description window."
      This item's description. This should be HTML. It may be null if there is no description for this completion.
    • getToolTipText

      public String getToolTipText()
      Tooltip used when hovering on that word. Not working with current impl?
      Specified by:
      getToolTipText in interface Completion
      getToolTipText in class AbstractCompletion
      The tool tip text.
    • possiblyAddDefinedIn

      protected void possiblyAddDefinedIn(StringBuilder sb)
      Adds some HTML describing where this variable is defined, if this information is known.
      sb - The buffer to append to.
    • possiblyAddDescription

      protected boolean possiblyAddDescription(StringBuilder sb)
      Adds the description text as HTML to a buffer, if a description is defined.
      sb - The buffer to append to.
      Whether there was a description to add.
    • setDefinedIn

      public void setDefinedIn(String definedIn)
      Sets where this variable is defined.
      definedIn - Where this variable is defined.
      See Also:
    • setClazz

      public void setClazz(Class c)
    • getClazz

      public Class getClazz()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Overridden to return the name of the variable being completed.
      toString in class AbstractCompletion
      A string representation of this completion.
    • addSuperClass

      public void addSuperClass(String sc)
    • getSuperClass

      public List<String> getSuperClass()
    • addConstructors

      public void addConstructors(FunctionCompletion cc)
    • addConstructors

      public void addConstructors(List<FunctionCompletion> cc)
    • getConstructors

      public List<Completion> getConstructors()
    • addMethods

      public void addMethods(FunctionCompletion mc)
    • addMethods

      public void addMethods(List<FunctionCompletion> mc)
    • getMethods

      public List<Completion> getMethods()
    • addFields

      public void addFields(VariableCompletion vc)
    • addFields

      public void addFields(List<VariableCompletion> vc)
    • getFields

      public List<Completion> getFields()
    • setAbstract

      public void setAbstract(boolean a)
    • isAbstract

      public boolean isAbstract()
    • getShortDescription

      public String getShortDescription()
    • setShortDescription

      public void setShortDescription(String shortDesc)
    • setSummary

      public void setSummary(String summary)