Module platform

Interface Completion

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCompletion, BasicCompletion, ClassCompletion, FunctionCompletion, MarkupTagCompletion, PackageCompletion, ShorthandCompletion, TemplateCompletion, VariableCompletion

public interface Completion extends Comparable<Completion>
Represents a completion choice. A CompletionProvider returns lists of objects implementing this interface. A Completion contains the following information:
  • The text the user must (begin to) input for this to be a completion choice.
  • The text that will be filled in if the user chooses this completion. Note that often, this is the same as the text the user must (begin to) enter, but this doesn't have to be the case.
  • Summary HTML that describes this completion. This is information that can be displayed in a helper "tooltip"-style window beside the completion list. This may be null. It may also be lazily generated to cut down on memory usage.
  • The CompletionProvider that returned this completion.
  • Tool tip text that can be displayed when a mouse hovers over this completion in a text component.
Robert Futrell
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • compareTo

      int compareTo(Completion other)
      Compares this completion to another one lexicographically, ignoring case.
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Completion>
      other - Another completion instance.
      How this completion compares to the other one.
    • getAlreadyEntered

      String getAlreadyEntered(AutoCompletableTextArea comp)
      Returns the portion of this completion that has already been entered into the text component. The match is case-insensitive.

      This is a convenience method for: getProvider().getAlreadyEnteredText(comp).

      comp - The text component.
      The already-entered portion of this completion.
    • getIcon

      Icon getIcon()
      Returns the icon to use for this completion.
      The icon, or null for none.
    • getInputText

      String getInputText()
      Returns the text that the user has to (start) typing for this completion to be offered. Note that this will usually be the same value as getReplacementText(), but not always (a completion could be a way to implement shorthand, for example, "sysout" mapping to "System.out.println(").
      The text the user has to (start) typing for this completion to be offered.
      See Also:
    • getProvider

      CompletionProvider getProvider()
      Returns the provider that returned this completion.
      The provider.
    • getRelevance

      int getRelevance()
      Returns the "relevance" of this completion. This is used when sorting completions by their relevance. It is an abstract concept that may mean different things to different languages, and may depend on the context of the completion.

      By default, all completions have a relevance of 0. The higher the value returned by this method, the higher up in the list this completion will be; the lower the value returned, the lower it will be. Completions with equal relevance values will be sorted alphabetically.

      The relevance of this completion.
    • getReplacementText

      String getReplacementText()
      Returns the text to insert as the result of this auto-completion. This is the "complete" text, including any text that replaces what the user has already typed.
      The replacement text.
      See Also:
    • getSummary

      String getSummary()
      Returns the description of this auto-complete choice. This can be used in a popup "description window."
      This item's description. This should be HTML. It may be null if there is no description for this completion.
    • getToolTipText

      String getToolTipText()
      Returns the tool tip text to display for mouse hovers over this completion.

      Note that for this functionality to be enabled, a AutoCompletableTextArea must be registered with the ToolTipManager, and the text component must know to search for this value. In the case of an RSyntaxTextArea, this can be done with a org.fife.ui.rtextarea.ToolTipSupplier that calls into CompletionProvider.getCompletionsAt(AutoCompletableTextArea, java.awt.Point).

      The tool tip text for this completion, or null if none.
    • getCompareString

      String getCompareString()
      Return the String used for comparing this Completion to others