Module platform

Class ShorthandCompletion

All Implemented Interfaces:
Completion, Comparable<Completion>

public class ShorthandCompletion extends BasicCompletion
A completion where the input text is shorthand for (really, just different from) the actual text to be inserted. For example, the input text "sysout" could be associated with the completion "System.out.println(" in Java.
Robert Futrell
  • Constructor Details

    • ShorthandCompletion

      public ShorthandCompletion(CompletionProvider provider, String inputText, String replacementText)
      provider - The provider that returns this completion.
      inputText - The text the user inputs to get this completion.
      replacementText - The replacement text of the completion.
    • ShorthandCompletion

      public ShorthandCompletion(CompletionProvider provider, String inputText, String replacementText, String shortDesc)
      provider - The provider that returns this completion.
      inputText - The text the user inputs to get this completion.
      replacementText - The replacement text of the completion.
      shortDesc - A short description of the completion. This will be displayed in the completion list. This may be null.
    • ShorthandCompletion

      public ShorthandCompletion(CompletionProvider provider, String inputText, String replacementText, String shortDesc, String summary)
      provider - The provider that returns this completion.
      inputText - The text the user inputs to get this completion.
      replacementText - The replacement text of the completion.
      shortDesc - A short description of the completion. This will be displayed in the completion list. This may be null.
      summary - The summary of this completion. This should be HTML. This may be null.
  • Method Details