Module platform

Class CrosshairOverlay

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyChangeListener, Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, Overlay, PublicCloneable

public class CrosshairOverlay extends AbstractOverlay implements Overlay, PropertyChangeListener, PublicCloneable, Cloneable, Serializable
An overlay for a ChartPanel that draws crosshairs on a chart. If you are using the JavaFX extensions for JFreeChart, then you should use the CrosshairOverlayFX class.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CrosshairOverlay

      public CrosshairOverlay()
      Creates a new overlay that initially contains no crosshairs.
  • Method Details

    • addDomainCrosshair

      public void addDomainCrosshair(Crosshair crosshair)
      Adds a crosshair against the domain axis (x-axis) and sends an OverlayChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      crosshair - the crosshair (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • removeDomainCrosshair

      public void removeDomainCrosshair(Crosshair crosshair)
      Removes a domain axis crosshair and sends an OverlayChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      crosshair - the crosshair (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • clearDomainCrosshairs

      public void clearDomainCrosshairs()
      Clears all the domain crosshairs from the overlay and sends an OverlayChangeEvent to all registered listeners (unless there were no crosshairs to begin with).
    • getDomainCrosshairs

      public List<Crosshair> getDomainCrosshairs()
      Returns a new list containing the domain crosshairs for this overlay.
      A list of crosshairs.
    • addRangeCrosshair

      public void addRangeCrosshair(Crosshair crosshair)
      Adds a crosshair against the range axis and sends an OverlayChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      crosshair - the crosshair (null not permitted).
    • removeRangeCrosshair

      public void removeRangeCrosshair(Crosshair crosshair)
      Removes a range axis crosshair and sends an OverlayChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      crosshair - the crosshair (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • clearRangeCrosshairs

      public void clearRangeCrosshairs()
      Clears all the range crosshairs from the overlay and sends an OverlayChangeEvent to all registered listeners (unless there were no crosshairs to begin with).
    • getRangeCrosshairs

      public List<Crosshair> getRangeCrosshairs()
      Returns a new list containing the range crosshairs for this overlay.
      A list of crosshairs.
    • propertyChange

      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
      Receives a property change event (typically a change in one of the crosshairs).
      Specified by:
      propertyChange in interface PropertyChangeListener
      e - the event.
    • paintOverlay

      public void paintOverlay(Graphics2D g2, ChartPanel chartPanel)
      Renders the crosshairs in the overlay on top of the chart that has just been rendered in the specified chartPanel. This method is called by the JFreeChart framework, you won't normally call it from user code.
      Specified by:
      paintOverlay in interface Overlay
      g2 - the graphics target.
      chartPanel - the chart panel.
    • drawHorizontalCrosshair

      protected void drawHorizontalCrosshair(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, double y, Crosshair crosshair)
      Draws a crosshair horizontally across the plot.
      g2 - the graphics target.
      dataArea - the data area.
      y - the y-value in Java2D space.
      crosshair - the crosshair.
    • drawVerticalCrosshair

      protected void drawVerticalCrosshair(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, double x, Crosshair crosshair)
      Draws a crosshair vertically on the plot.
      g2 - the graphics target.
      dataArea - the data area.
      x - the x-value in Java2D space.
      crosshair - the crosshair.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests this overlay for equality with an arbitrary object.
      equals in class Object
      obj - the object (null permitted).
      A boolean.
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Returns a clone of this instance.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface PublicCloneable
      clone in class Object
      A clone of this instance.
      CloneNotSupportedException - if there is some problem with the cloning.