Module jEdit

Class ExternalNameSpace

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, BshClassManager.Listener, NameSource

public class ExternalNameSpace extends NameSpace
A namespace which maintains an external map of values held in variables in its scope. This mechanism provides a standard collections based interface to the namespace as well as a convenient way to export and view values of the namespace without the ordinary BeanShell wrappers.

Variables are maintained internally in the normal fashion to support meta-information (such as variable type and visibility modifiers), but exported and imported in a synchronized way. Variables are exported each time they are written by BeanShell. Imported variables from the map appear in the BeanShell namespace as untyped variables with no modifiers and shadow any previously defined variables in the scope.

Note: this class is inherentely dependent on Java 1.2, however it is not used directly by the core as other than type NameSpace, so no dependency is introduced.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ExternalNameSpace

      public ExternalNameSpace()
    • ExternalNameSpace

      public ExternalNameSpace(NameSpace parent, String name, Map externalMap)
  • Method Details

    • getMap

      public Map getMap()
      Get the map view of this namespace.
    • setMap

      public void setMap(Map map)
      Set the external Map which to which this namespace synchronizes. The previous external map is detached from this namespace. Previous map values are retained in the external map, but are removed from the BeanShell namespace.
    • unsetVariable

      public void unsetVariable(String name)
      Description copied from class: NameSpace
      Remove the variable from the namespace.
      unsetVariable in class NameSpace
    • getVariableNames

      public String[] getVariableNames()
      Description copied from class: NameSpace
      Get the names of variables defined in this namespace. (This does not show variables in parent namespaces).
      getVariableNames in class NameSpace
    • getVariableImpl

      protected Variable getVariableImpl(String name, boolean recurse) throws UtilEvalError
      Description copied from class: NameSpace
      Locate a variable and return the Variable object with optional recursion through parent name spaces.

      If this namespace is static, return only static variables.

      getVariableImpl in class NameSpace
      the Variable value or null if it is not defined
    • getDeclaredVariables

      public Variable[] getDeclaredVariables()
      getDeclaredVariables in class NameSpace
    • setTypedVariable

      public void setTypedVariable(String name, Class type, Object value, Modifiers modifiers) throws UtilEvalError
      Description copied from class: NameSpace
      Declare a variable in the local scope and set its initial value. Value may be null to indicate that we would like the default value for the variable type. (e.g. 0 for integer types, null for object types). An existing typed variable may only be set to the same type. If an untyped variable of the same name exists it will be overridden with the new typed var. The set will perform a Types.getAssignableForm() on the value if necessary.

      Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside of the bsh package and wish to set variables with primitive values you will have to wrap them using bsh.Primitive.

      setTypedVariable in class NameSpace
      value - If value is null, you'll get the default value for the type
      modifiers - may be null
      See Also:
    • setMethod

      public void setMethod(String name, BshMethod method) throws UtilEvalError
      Description copied from class: NameSpace
      Note: this is primarily for internal use.
      setMethod in class NameSpace
      See Also:
    • getMethod

      public BshMethod getMethod(String name, Class[] sig, boolean declaredOnly) throws UtilEvalError
      Description copied from class: NameSpace
      Get the bsh method matching the specified signature declared in this name space or a parent.

      Note: this method is primarily intended for use internally. If you use this method outside of the bsh package you will have to be familiar with BeanShell's use of the Primitive wrapper class.

      getMethod in class NameSpace
      declaredOnly - if true then only methods declared directly in this namespace will be found and no inherited or imported methods will be visible.
      the BshMethod or null if not found
      See Also:
    • getAllNamesAux

      protected void getAllNamesAux(Vector vec)
      Description copied from class: NameSpace
      Helper for implementing NameSource
      getAllNamesAux in class NameSpace
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clear all variables, methods, and imports from this namespace and clear all values from the external map (via Map clear()).
      clear in class NameSpace
      See Also:
    • putExternalMap

      protected void putExternalMap(String name, Object value)
      Place an unwrapped value in the external map. BeanShell primitive types are represented by their object wrappers, so it is not possible to differentiate between wrapper types and primitive types via the external Map.