Module platform

Class ChartTransferable

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ChartTransferable extends Object implements Transferable
A class used to represent a chart on the clipboard.
  • Constructor Details

    • ChartTransferable

      public ChartTransferable(JFreeChart chart, int width, int height)
      Creates a new chart selection.
      chart - the chart.
      width - the chart width.
      height - the chart height.
    • ChartTransferable

      public ChartTransferable(JFreeChart chart, int width, int height, boolean cloneData)
      Creates a new chart selection.
      chart - the chart.
      width - the chart width.
      height - the chart height.
      cloneData - clone the dataset(s)?
    • ChartTransferable

      public ChartTransferable(JFreeChart chart, int width, int height, int minDrawW, int minDrawH, int maxDrawW, int maxDrawH, boolean cloneData)
      Creates a new chart selection. The minimum and maximum drawing dimensions are used to match the scaling behaviour in the ChartPanel class.
      chart - the chart.
      width - the chart width.
      height - the chart height.
      minDrawW - the minimum drawing width.
      minDrawH - the minimum drawing height.
      maxDrawW - the maximum drawing width.
      maxDrawH - the maximum drawing height.
      cloneData - clone the dataset(s)?
  • Method Details