Module platform

Class DataUtils


public abstract class DataUtils extends Object
Utility methods for use with some of the data classes (but not the datasets, see DatasetUtils).
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static double
    calculateColumnTotal(Values2D data, int column)
    Returns the total of the values in one column of the supplied data table.
    static double
    calculateColumnTotal(Values2D data, int column, int[] validRows)
    Returns the total of the values in one column of the supplied data table by taking only the row numbers in the array into account.
    static double
    calculateRowTotal(Values2D data, int row)
    Returns the total of the values in one row of the supplied data table.
    static double
    calculateRowTotal(Values2D data, int row, int[] validCols)
    Returns the total of the values in one row of the supplied data table by taking only the column numbers in the array into account.
    static double[][]
    clone(double[][] source)
    Returns a clone of the specified array.
    static Number[]
    createNumberArray(double[] data)
    Constructs an array of Number objects from an array of double primitives.
    static Number[][]
    createNumberArray2D(double[][] data)
    Constructs an array of arrays of Number objects from a corresponding structure containing double primitives.
    static boolean
    equal(double[][] a, double[][] b)
    Tests two arrays for equality.
    Returns a KeyedValues instance that contains the cumulative percentage values for the data in another KeyedValues instance.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • DataUtils

      public DataUtils()
  • Method Details

    • equal

      public static boolean equal(double[][] a, double[][] b)
      Tests two arrays for equality. To be considered equal, the arrays must have exactly the same dimensions, and the values in each array must also match (two values that qre both NaN or both INF are considered equal in this test).
      a - the first array (null permitted).
      b - the second array (null permitted).
      A boolean.
    • clone

      public static double[][] clone(double[][] source)
      Returns a clone of the specified array.
      source - the source array (null not permitted).
      A clone of the array.
    • calculateColumnTotal

      public static double calculateColumnTotal(Values2D data, int column)
      Returns the total of the values in one column of the supplied data table.
      data - the table of values (null not permitted).
      column - the column index (zero-based).
      The total of the values in the specified column.
    • calculateColumnTotal

      public static double calculateColumnTotal(Values2D data, int column, int[] validRows)
      Returns the total of the values in one column of the supplied data table by taking only the row numbers in the array into account.
      data - the table of values (null not permitted).
      column - the column index (zero-based).
      validRows - the array with valid rows (zero-based).
      The total of the valid values in the specified column.
    • calculateRowTotal

      public static double calculateRowTotal(Values2D data, int row)
      Returns the total of the values in one row of the supplied data table.
      data - the table of values (null not permitted).
      row - the row index (zero-based).
      The total of the values in the specified row.
    • calculateRowTotal

      public static double calculateRowTotal(Values2D data, int row, int[] validCols)
      Returns the total of the values in one row of the supplied data table by taking only the column numbers in the array into account.
      data - the table of values (null not permitted).
      row - the row index (zero-based).
      validCols - the array with valid cols (zero-based).
      The total of the valid values in the specified row.
    • createNumberArray

      public static Number[] createNumberArray(double[] data)
      Constructs an array of Number objects from an array of double primitives.
      data - the data (null not permitted).
      An array of double.
    • createNumberArray2D

      public static Number[][] createNumberArray2D(double[][] data)
      Constructs an array of arrays of Number objects from a corresponding structure containing double primitives.
      data - the data (null not permitted).
      An array of double.
    • getCumulativePercentages

      public static KeyedValues getCumulativePercentages(KeyedValues data)
      Returns a KeyedValues instance that contains the cumulative percentage values for the data in another KeyedValues instance.

      The percentages are values between 0.0 and 1.0 (where 1.0 = 100%).

      data - the data (null not permitted).
      The cumulative percentages.