Module jEdit

Class XThis

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Runnable

public class XThis extends This
XThis is a dynamically loaded extension which extends and adds support for the generalized interface proxy mechanism introduced in JDK1.3. XThis allows bsh scripted objects to implement arbitrary interfaces (be arbitrary event listener types). Note: This module relies on new features of JDK1.3 and will not compile with JDK1.2 or lower. For those environments simply do not compile this class. Eventually XThis should become simply This, but for backward compatability we will maintain This without requiring support for the proxy mechanism. XThis stands for "eXtended This" (I had to call it something).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class This
    • getInterface

      public Object getInterface(Class clas)
      Get dynamic proxy for interface, caching those it creates.
      getInterface in class This
    • getInterface

      public Object getInterface(Class[] ca)
      Get dynamic proxy for interface, caching those it creates.
      getInterface in class This