Module raytracer

Interface Antialiasing

All Known Implementing Classes:
MetropolisAntiAliasing, NoAntialiasing, StochasticSupersampling

public interface Antialiasing
An implementation of this interface encapsulates a single antialiasing method that is based on prefiltering.
Michael Tauer, Ole Kniemeyer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Appends some statistics information about the antialiasing to stats.
    dup(Scene scene)
    Returns a clone of this Antialiasing.
    getColorOfRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height, Color4f color, Random random)
    This method has to return a color value determined for a given rectangular region on the image plane.
    Initializes the antialiasing method using the data available through the renderer.
    setPixelXY(float x, float y)
  • Method Details

    • dup

      Antialiasing dup(Scene scene)
      Returns a clone of this Antialiasing. All constant variables are copied shallowly, state variables are newly created and copied where necessary.
      scene - duplicate of scene
      clone of this antialiasing
    • initialize

      void initialize(PixelwiseRenderer renderer, Scene scene)
      Initializes the antialiasing method using the data available through the renderer.
      renderer - the renderer which provides the needed information
      scene - the scene which is rendered
    • getColorOfRectangle

      void getColorOfRectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height, Color4f color, Random random)
      This method has to return a color value determined for a given rectangular region on the image plane. The coordinates are understood as uv coordinates for the Sensor which represents the camera.
      x - Describes the x position of the lower left corner of the rectangle.
      y - Describes the y position of the lower left corner of the rectangle.
      width - width of the rectangle
      height - height of the of the rectangle
      color - The determined color of the rectangle will be stored in this parameter.
      random - pseudorandom generator
    • appendStatistics

      void appendStatistics(StringBuffer stats)
      Appends some statistics information about the antialiasing to stats. This method will be invoked after the whole rendering process has completed. It should also invoke appendStatistics on the ray processor.
      stats - buffer for statistics information
    • setPixelXY

      void setPixelXY(float x, float y)