Interface FileWriterSource

All Superinterfaces:
FilterSource, RegistryContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassicVRMLExport, DXFExport, GLTFExport, GSWriter, LazyFilter, MTGExport, NullSource, OBJExport, PLYExport, POVExport, RootlessXMLExporter, SecGraphExporter, STLExport, StreamAdapter, TEXExport, VRML97Export, WebGLExport, X3DExport

public interface FileWriterSource extends FilterSource
This subinterface of FilterSource has to be implemented by filter sources whose flavor supports writing to Files (IOFlavor.FILE_WRITER). It represents the data by writing it to a File.
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Method Details

    • write

      void write(File out) throws IOException
      This method writes the data to out.
      out - the file to which data is written