Module platform

Class XIntervalSeries

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class XIntervalSeries extends ComparableObjectSeries
A list of (x, x-low, x-high, y) data items.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • XIntervalSeries

      public XIntervalSeries(Comparable key)
      Creates a new empty series. By default, items added to the series will be sorted into ascending order by x-value, and duplicate x-values will be allowed (these defaults can be modified with another constructor.
      key - the series key (null not permitted).
    • XIntervalSeries

      public XIntervalSeries(Comparable key, boolean autoSort, boolean allowDuplicateXValues)
      Constructs a new xy-series that contains no data. You can specify whether or not duplicate x-values are allowed for the series.
      key - the series key (null not permitted).
      autoSort - a flag that controls whether or not the items in the series are sorted.
      allowDuplicateXValues - a flag that controls whether duplicate x-values are allowed.
  • Method Details

    • add

      public void add(double x, double xLow, double xHigh, double y)
      Adds a data item to the series and sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      x - the x-value.
      y - the y-value.
      xLow - the lower bound of the y-interval.
      xHigh - the upper bound of the y-interval.
    • add

      public void add(XIntervalDataItem item, boolean notify)
      Adds a data item to the series and, if requested, sends a SeriesChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      item - the data item (null not permitted).
      notify - notify listeners?
    • getX

      public Number getX(int index)
      Returns the x-value for the specified item.
      index - the item index.
      The x-value (never null).
    • getXLowValue

      public double getXLowValue(int index)
      Returns the lower bound of the x-interval for the specified item.
      index - the item index.
      The lower bound of the x-interval.
    • getXHighValue

      public double getXHighValue(int index)
      Returns the upper bound of the x-interval for the specified item.
      index - the item index.
      The upper bound of the x-interval.
    • getYValue

      public double getYValue(int index)
      Returns the y-value for the specified item.
      index - the item index.
      The y-value.
    • getDataItem

      public ComparableObjectItem getDataItem(int index)
      Returns the data item at the specified index.
      getDataItem in class ComparableObjectSeries
      index - the item index.
      The data item.