Module xl.compiler

Class CompilationUnit


public final class CompilationUnit extends Object
A CompilationUnit is a simple collection of items which constitute the complete input of a single source file for the XL compiler.
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Field Details

    • classPath

      public final ClassPath classPath
      The class path for existing class files.
    • tree

      public final antlr.collections.AST tree
      The root of the abstract syntax tree of the source file. This is null for an already compiled Java class.
    • source

      public final String source
      Name of source file.
    • problems

      public final RecognitionExceptionList problems
      Compilation problems are passed to this instance by the XL compiler.
    • defaultImports

      public final Scope defaultImports
      The automatic imports for the compilation unit.
    • options

      public final CompilerOptions options
      The default options for the compiler.
    • annotations

      public final Annotation[] annotations
    • jarBytes

      public final byte[] jarBytes
      The bytes in case of an already compiled RGG Jar file.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details