Module platform

Interface ExternalURLHandler

public interface ExternalURLHandler
A callback for when an external URL is clicked in the description window. If no handler is installed, and if running in Java 6, the system default web browser is used to open the URL. If not running Java 6, nothing will happen. If you want browser support for pre-Java 6 JRE's, you will need to register one of these callbacks on your AutoCompletion, and open the URL in a web browser yourself.

Alternatively, folks implementing robust code completion support for a language might install an ExternalURLHandler to handle navigating through linked documentation of objects, functions, etc.

Robert Futrell
See Also:
  • AutoCompletion#setExternalURLHandler(ExternalURLHandler)
  • Method Details

    • urlClicked

      void urlClicked(HyperlinkEvent e, Completion c, DescWindowCallback callback)
      Called when an external URL is clicked in the description window.
      e - The event containing the hyperlink clicked.
      c - The completion currently being displayed.
      callback - Allows you to display new content in the description window.