Module raytracer

Interface Antialiasing

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdaptiveSupersampling, NoAntialiasing, StochasticSupersampling

public interface Antialiasing
A implementation of this interface encapsulates a single antialising methode that is based on prefiltering.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getColorFromFrustum(double x, double y, double width, double height, Color4f color)
    This method has to return a color value determined for a given pixel frustum.
    initialize(RTCamera camera, RayProcessor processor)
    Initializes the antialiasing method and sets the camera and ray processor object that has to be used.
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      void initialize(RTCamera camera, RayProcessor processor)
      Initializes the antialiasing method and sets the camera and ray processor object that has to be used.
      camera - sets the camera object that has to be used for the antialiasing class.
      processor - sets the ray processor object that has to be used for the antialiasing class.
    • getColorFromFrustum

      void getColorFromFrustum(double x, double y, double width, double height, Color4f color)
      This method has to return a color value determined for a given pixel frustum. A pixel frustum is a sub frustum of the view frustum that encloses exactly a special pixel of the image. The pixel frustum is indirectly described by describing the related pixel.
      x - Describes the relative x position of the top left corner of the pixel. It can range from -1 to +1.
      y - Describes the relative y position of the top left corner of the pixel. It can range from -1 to +1.
      width - Describes the relative width of the of the pixel. It can range from 0 to +2.
      height - Describes the relative height of the of the pixel. It can range from 0 to +2.
      color - The determined color for the pixel frustum will be saved in this parameter. So this parameter will be changed!