Module jEdit

Interface IndentAction

All Known Implementing Classes:
IndentAction.AlignOffset, IndentAction.AlignParameter, IndentAction.Collapse, IndentAction.Decrease, IndentAction.Increase, IndentAction.NoIncrease, IndentAction.Reset

public interface IndentAction
Abstract Indentation Action
$Id: 25223 2020-04-12 16:14:27Z kpouer $
Slava Pestov
  • Field Details

    • PrevCollapse

      static final IndentAction.Collapse PrevCollapse
      This handles the following Java code: if(something) { // no indentation on this line, even though previous matches a rule
    • PrevPrevCollapse

      static final IndentAction.Collapse PrevPrevCollapse
      This handles cases like: if (foo) bar; for (something; condition; action) { } Without this the "for" line would be incorrectly indented.
  • Method Details

    • calculateIndent

      int calculateIndent(JEditBuffer buffer, int line, int oldIndent, int newIndent)
      buffer - The buffer
      line - The line number that matched the rule; not necessarily the line being indented.
      oldIndent - Original indent.
      newIndent - The new indent -- ie, indent returned by previous indent action.
    • keepChecking

      boolean keepChecking()
      true if the indent engine should keep processing after this rule.