Module platform

Interface Selection

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FieldSelection, GraphSelectionImpl, MapSource, NodeSelection, ObjectSelection, OptionsSelection, ProjectSelection, SelectionBase

public interface Selection extends Described
A Selection represents a selection for the GUI. Only instances of Selection may be used as values of the workbench selection (see UIProperty.WORKBENCH_SELECTION).
Ole Kniemeyer
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getCapabilities

      int getCapabilities()
      Returns the capabilities of this selection. The returned value is a combination of the flags TRANSFERABLE, DELETABLE, HIERARCHICAL.
      this selection's capabilities
    • createPropertyEditorComponent

      ComponentWrapper createPropertyEditorComponent()
      Returns an editor component for the GUI. The component is used in in the GUI to edit the properties of this selection.
      a component responsible for editing this selection
    • createPropertyEditorMenu

      ComponentWrapper createPropertyEditorMenu()
      Returns an editor menu component for the GUI. The component is used in in the GUI to edit the properties of this selection as part of a menu.
      a menu component responsible for editing this selection
    • toTransferable

      Transferable toTransferable(boolean includeChildren)
      Converts this selection into Transferable for the clipboard. This method is only invoked if this selection has the capability TRANSFERABLE.
      includeChildren - true iff children in the hierarchy shall be included
      a transferable object representing the data of this selection
    • delete

      void delete(boolean includeChildren)
      Deletes this selection. The precise semantics of deletion depends on the selection. This method is only invoked if this selection has the capability DELETABLE.
      includeChildren - true iff children in the hierarchy shall be included
    • getContext

      Context getContext()