Module pdb

Class AminoSequence


public class AminoSequence extends Object
fdill, mdube This class models a protein which is a whole pdb file. It holds the single amino acids in a vector. RH20060629 changed variable name 'enum' to 'e' to avoid problems with java 1.5
  • Field Details

    • numberOfSequences

      public static int numberOfSequences
      a counter for statistics. Is incremented with every creation.
  • Constructor Details

    • AminoSequence

      public AminoSequence()
  • Method Details

    • getAminoAcids

      public Vector getAminoAcids()
      - a vector containing the amino acids belonging to this sequence.
    • addAminoAcid

      public void addAminoAcid(AminoAcid acid)
      acid - - an acid to be added to this sequence
    • textOutput

      public void textOutput()
      Prints the current sequence with the amino acid names and the atom names to the standard output.