Module platform

Interface Annotation

All Known Subinterfaces:
CategoryAnnotation, XYAnnotation
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAnnotation, AbstractXYAnnotation, CategoryLineAnnotation, CategoryPointerAnnotation, CategoryTextAnnotation, TextAnnotation, XYBoxAnnotation, XYDataImageAnnotation, XYDrawableAnnotation, XYImageAnnotation, XYLineAnnotation, XYPointerAnnotation, XYPolygonAnnotation, XYShapeAnnotation, XYTextAnnotation, XYTitleAnnotation

public interface Annotation
The base interface for annotations. All annotations should support the AnnotationChangeEvent mechanism by allowing listeners to register and receive notification of any changes to the annotation.
  • Method Details

    • addChangeListener

      void addChangeListener(AnnotationChangeListener listener)
      Registers an object for notification of changes to the annotation.
      listener - the object to register.
    • removeChangeListener

      void removeChangeListener(AnnotationChangeListener listener)
      Deregisters an object for notification of changes to the annotation.
      listener - the object to deregister.