Module platform

Interface AutoCompletable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AutoCompletableTextEditorSupport, JEditTextEditor, TextEditorSupport

public interface AutoCompletable
Interface that define the required methods for a text panel to be able to auto complete the text in a document. (The panel is managing the document completion)
  • Method Details

    • autocomplete

      void autocomplete()
      Call the auto completion Likely useless with the autocmpletor implementation
    • getAlreadyEnteredText

      String getAlreadyEnteredText(CompletionProvider provider)
      Get the String to be autocompleted Likely useless with the autocmpletor implementation
    • installAutoCompletor

      void installAutoCompletor(AbstractAutoCompletor ac)
      Add an autocompetor to the panel
    • uninstallAutoCompletor

      void uninstallAutoCompletor()
      remove an autocompetor