Module platform

Class AbstractAutoCompletor

Direct Known Subclasses:
EmptyAutoCompletor, RoundRobinAutoCompletion, SimpleStaticAutoCompletor

public abstract class AbstractAutoCompletor extends Object
Adds auto-completion to a text component. Provides a popup window with a list of auto-complete choices on a given keystroke, such as Ctrl+Space.

Depending on the CompletionProvider installed, the following auto-completion features may be enabled:

  • An auto-complete choices list made visible via e.g. Ctrl+Space
  • A "description" window displayed alongside the choices list that provides documentation on the currently selected completion choice (as seen in Eclipse and NetBeans).
  • Parameter assistance. If this is enabled, if the user enters a "parameterized" completion, such as a method or a function, then they will receive a tool tip describing the arguments they have to enter to the completion. Also, the arguments can be navigated via tab and shift+tab (a la Eclipse and NetBeans).
Shamelessly copied and adapted for GroIMP :) In GroIMP this class is abstract and needs to be extended with a class that define CompletionProvider. The extended class needs to be added as element in the registry with a AutoCompletorFactory. The textarea considered do not extends JtextComponent to be adapted with the JEdit textarea
Robert Futrell
  • Field Details

    • cc

      protected CompletionContext cc
      This context can be used to know what completion are possible

      public static final Icon ICON_STATIC_METHOD

      public static final Icon ICON_METHOD

      public static final Icon ICON_RGG_METHOD

      public static final Icon ICON_RGG_STATIC_METHOD

      public static final Icon ICON_CLASS

      public static final Icon ICON_RGG_CLASS

      public static final Icon ICON_INTERFACE

      public static final Icon ICON_RGG_INTERFACE

      public static final Icon ICON_RGG_MODULE

      public static final Icon ICON_PACKAGE

      public static final Icon ICON_FIELD

      public static final Icon ICON_STATIC_FIELD

      public static final Icon ICON_RGG_FIELD

      public static final Icon ICON_RGG_STATIC_FIELD
    • name

      protected String name
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractAutoCompletor

      public AbstractAutoCompletor()
      provider - The completion provider. This cannot be null
  • Method Details

    • createCompletionContext

      protected abstract CompletionContext createCompletionContext(AutoCompletableTextArea tc, RegistryContext reg)
    • getCompletionContext

      protected CompletionContext getCompletionContext()
    • createProvider

      protected abstract CompletionProvider createProvider()
    • initProvider

      protected void initProvider(CompletionProvider provider)
    • getUniqueName

      public String getUniqueName()
    • addAutoCompletionListener

      public void addAutoCompletionListener(AutoCompletionListener l)
      Adds a listener interested in popup window events from this instance.
      l - The listener to add.
      See Also:
    • doCompletion

      public void doCompletion()
      Displays the popup window. Hosting applications can call this method to programmatically begin an auto-completion operation.
    • fireAutoCompletionEvent

      protected void fireAutoCompletionEvent(AutoCompletionEvent.Type type)
      Fires an AutoCompletionEvent of the specified type.
      type - The type of event to fire.
    • getAutoActivationDelay

      public int getAutoActivationDelay()
      Returns the delay between when the user types a character and when the code completion popup should automatically appear (if applicable).
      The delay, in milliseconds.
      See Also:
    • getAutoCompleteSingleChoices

      public boolean getAutoCompleteSingleChoices()
      Returns whether, if a single auto-complete choice is available, it should be automatically inserted, without displaying the popup menu.
      Whether to auto-complete single choices.
      See Also:
    • getCompletionProvider

      public CompletionProvider getCompletionProvider()
      Returns the completion provider.
      The completion provider.
    • getDefaultTriggerKey

      public static KeyStroke getDefaultTriggerKey()
      Returns the default auto-complete "trigger key" for this OS. For Windows, for example, it is Ctrl+Space.
      The default auto-complete trigger key.
    • getExternalURLHandler

      public ExternalURLHandler getExternalURLHandler()
      Returns the handler to use when an external URL is clicked in the description window.
      The handler.
      See Also:
    • getLinkRedirector

      public static LinkRedirector getLinkRedirector()
      Returns the link redirector, if any.
      The link redirector, or null if none.
      See Also:
    • getListCellRenderer

      public ListCellRenderer getListCellRenderer()
      Returns the default list cell renderer used when a completion provider does not supply its own.
      The default list cell renderer.
      See Also:
    • getParamChoicesRenderer

      public ListCellRenderer<Object> getParamChoicesRenderer()
      Returns the renderer to use for Completions in the optional parameter choices popup window (displayed when a ParameterizedCompletion is code-completed). If this returns null, a default renderer is used.
      The renderer to use.
      See Also:
    • getReplacementText

      protected String getReplacementText(Completion c, AutoCompletableTextArea doc, int start, int len)
      Returns the text to replace with in the document. This is a "last-chance" hook for subclasses to make special modifications to the completion text inserted. The default implementation simply returns c.getReplacementText(). You usually will not need to modify this method.
      c - The completion being inserted.
      doc - The document being modified.
      start - The start of the text being replaced.
      len - The length of the text being replaced.
      The text to replace with.
    • getShowDescWindow

      public boolean getShowDescWindow()
      Returns whether the "description window" should be shown alongside the completion window.
      Whether the description window should be shown.
      See Also:
    • getStyleContext

      public static AutoCompletionStyleContext getStyleContext()
      Returns the style context describing how auto-completion related highlights in the editor are rendered.
      The style context.
    • getDescWindowColor

      public Color getDescWindowColor()
      Returns the background color for the description window.
      The color.
    • getParameterDescriptionTruncateThreshold

      public int getParameterDescriptionTruncateThreshold()
      Returns the maximum number of characters that the ParameterizedCompletionDescriptionToolTip will attempt to display on one line before truncating to a short-form representation.
      The number of characters.
      See Also:
    • getTextComponent

      public AutoCompletableTextArea getTextComponent()
      Returns the text component for which auto-completion is enabled.
      The text component, or null if this AutoCompletion is not installed on any text component.
      See Also:
      • #install(AutoCompletableTextArea)
    • getTriggerKey

      public KeyStroke getTriggerKey()
      Returns the "trigger key" used for auto-complete.
      The trigger key.
      See Also:
    • hideChildWindows

      public boolean hideChildWindows()
      Hides any child windows being displayed by the auto-completion system.
      Whether any windows were visible.
    • hidePopupWindow

      protected boolean hidePopupWindow()
      Hides the popup window, if it is visible.
      Whether the popup window was visible.
    • insertCompletion

      protected final void insertCompletion(Completion c)
      Inserts a completion. Any time a code completion event occurs, the actual text insertion happens through this method.
      c - A completion to insert. This cannot be null.
    • insertCompletion

      protected void insertCompletion(Completion c, boolean typedParamListStartChar)
      Inserts a completion. Any time a code completion event occurs, the actual text insertion happens through this method.
      c - A completion to insert. This cannot be null.
      typedParamListStartChar - Whether the parameterized completion start character was typed (typically '(').
    • install

      public void install(AutoCompletableTextArea c, RegistryContext reg)
      Installs this auto-completion on a text component. If this AutoCompletion is already installed on another text component, it is uninstalled first.
      c - The text component.
      See Also:
    • createAutoCompleteAction

      protected Action createAutoCompleteAction()
      Creates and returns the action to call when the user presses the auto-completion trigger key (e.g. ctrl+space). This is a hook for subclasses that want to provide their own behavior in this scenario. The default implementation returns an AbstractAutoCompletor.AutoCompleteAction.
      The action to use.
      See Also:
    • isAutoActivationEnabled

      public boolean isAutoActivationEnabled()
      Returns whether auto-activation is enabled (that is, whether the completion popup will automatically appear after a delay when the user types an appropriate character). Note that this parameter will be ignored if auto-completion is disabled.
      Whether auto-activation is enabled.
      See Also:
    • isAutoCompleteEnabled

      public boolean isAutoCompleteEnabled()
      Returns whether auto-completion is enabled.
      Whether auto-completion is enabled.
      See Also:
    • isHideOnCompletionProviderChange

      protected boolean isHideOnCompletionProviderChange()
      Whether the popup should be hidden when the CompletionProvider changes. If set to false, caller has to ensure refresh of the popup content.
      Whether the popup should be hidden when the completion provider changes.
      See Also:
    • isHideOnNoText

      protected boolean isHideOnNoText()
      Whether the popup should be hidden when user types a space (or any character that resets the completion list to "all completions").
      Whether the popup should be hidden when the completion list is reset to show all completions.
      See Also:
    • isParameterAssistanceEnabled

      public boolean isParameterAssistanceEnabled()
      Returns whether parameter assistance is enabled.
      Whether parameter assistance is enabled.
      See Also:
    • isPopupVisible

      public boolean isPopupVisible()
      Returns whether the completion popup window is visible.
      Whether the completion popup window is visible.
    • refreshPopupWindow

      protected int refreshPopupWindow()
      Refreshes the popup window. First, this method gets the possible completions for the current caret position. If there are none, and the popup is visible, it is hidden. If there are some completions and the popup is hidden, it is made visible and made to display the completions. If there are some completions and the popup is visible, its list is updated to the current set of completions.
      The current line number of the caret.
    • removeAutoCompletionListener

      public void removeAutoCompletionListener(AutoCompletionListener l)
      Removes a listener interested in popup window events from this instance.
      l - The listener to remove.
      See Also:
    • setAutoActivationDelay

      public void setAutoActivationDelay(int ms)
      Sets the delay between when the user types a character and when the code completion popup should automatically appear (if applicable).
      ms - The delay, in milliseconds. This should be greater than zero.
      See Also:
    • setAutoActivationEnabled

      public void setAutoActivationEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Toggles whether auto-activation is enabled. Note that auto-activation also depends on auto-completion itself being enabled.
      enabled - Whether auto-activation is enabled.
      See Also:
    • setAutoCompleteEnabled

      public void setAutoCompleteEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets whether auto-completion is enabled.
      enabled - Whether auto-completion is enabled.
      See Also:
    • setAutoCompleteSingleChoices

      public void setAutoCompleteSingleChoices(boolean autoComplete)
      Sets whether, if a single auto-complete choice is available, it should be automatically inserted, without displaying the popup menu.
      autoComplete - Whether to auto-complete single choices.
      See Also:
    • setCompletionProvider

      public void setCompletionProvider(CompletionProvider provider)
      Sets the completion provider being used.
      provider - The new completion provider. This cannot be null.
      IllegalArgumentException - If provider is null.
    • setChoicesWindowSize

      public void setChoicesWindowSize(int w, int h)
      Sets the size of the completion choices window.
      w - The new width.
      h - The new height.
      See Also:
    • setDescriptionWindowSize

      public void setDescriptionWindowSize(int w, int h)
      Sets the size of the description window.
      w - The new width.
      h - The new height.
      See Also:
    • setDescriptionWindowColor

      public void setDescriptionWindowColor(Color c)
      Sets the color of the description window.
      c - The new color.
    • setExternalURLHandler

      public void setExternalURLHandler(ExternalURLHandler handler)
      Sets the handler to use when an external URL is clicked in the description window. This handler can perform some action, such as open the URL in a web browser. The default implementation will open the URL in a browser, but only if running in Java 6. If you want browser support for Java 5 and below, or otherwise want to respond to hyperlink clicks, you will have to install your own handler to do so.
      handler - The new handler.
      See Also:
    • setHideOnCompletionProviderChange

      protected void setHideOnCompletionProviderChange(boolean hideOnCompletionProviderChange)
      Sets whether the popup should be hidden when the CompletionProvider changes. If set to false, caller has to ensure refresh of the popup content.
      hideOnCompletionProviderChange - Whether the popup should be hidden when the completion provider changes.
      See Also:
    • setHideOnNoText

      protected void setHideOnNoText(boolean hideOnNoText)
      Sets whether the popup should be hidden when user types a space (or any character that resets the completion list to "all completions").
      hideOnNoText - Whether the popup should be hidden when the completion list is reset to show all completions.
      See Also:
    • setLinkRedirector

      public static void setLinkRedirector(LinkRedirector linkRedirector)
      Sets the redirector for external URL's found in code completion documentation. When a non-local link in completion popups is clicked, this redirector is given the chance to modify the URL fetched and displayed.
      linkRedirector - The link redirector, or null for none.
      See Also:
    • setListCellRenderer

      public void setListCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer<Object> renderer)
      Sets the default list cell renderer to use when a completion provider does not supply its own.
      renderer - The renderer to use. If this is null, a default renderer is used.
      See Also:
    • setParamChoicesRenderer

      public void setParamChoicesRenderer(ListCellRenderer<Object> r)
      Sets the renderer to use for Completions in the optional parameter choices popup window (displayed when a ParameterizedCompletion is code-completed). If this isn't set, a default renderer is used.
      r - The renderer to use.
      See Also:
    • setParameterAssistanceEnabled

      public void setParameterAssistanceEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets whether parameter assistance is enabled. If parameter assistance is enabled, and a "parameterized" completion (such as a function or method) is inserted, the user will get "assistance" in inserting the parameters in the form of a popup window with documentation and easy tabbing through the arguments (as seen in Eclipse and NetBeans).
      enabled - Whether parameter assistance should be enabled.
      See Also:
    • setPopupVisible

      protected void setPopupVisible(boolean visible)
      Toggles the visibility of the auto-completion popup window. This fires an AutoCompletionEvent of the appropriate type.
      visible - Whether the window should be made visible or hidden.
      See Also:
    • setShowDescWindow

      public void setShowDescWindow(boolean show)
      Sets whether the "description window" should be shown beside the completion window.
      show - Whether to show the description window.
      See Also:
    • setTriggerKey

      public void setTriggerKey(KeyStroke ks)
      Sets the keystroke that should be used to trigger the auto-complete popup window.
      ks - The keystroke.
      IllegalArgumentException - If ks is null.
      See Also:
    • uninstall

      public void uninstall()
      Uninstalls this auto-completion from its text component. If it is not installed on any text component, nothing happens.
      See Also:
      • #install(AutoCompletableTextArea)
    • installHooks

      protected abstract void installHooks()
      Install or uninstall hooks to listen to the project compilation and load
    • uninstallHooks

      protected abstract void uninstallHooks()
    • setParameterDescriptionTruncateThreshold

      public void setParameterDescriptionTruncateThreshold(int truncateThreshold)
      Sets the maximum number of characters that the ParameterizedCompletionDescriptionToolTip will attempt to display on one line before truncating to a short-form representation.
      truncateThreshold - The number of characters before truncation occurs.
      See Also: