Module platform

Class SymbolAxis

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, PublicCloneable

public class SymbolAxis extends NumberAxis implements Serializable
A standard linear value axis that replaces integer values with symbols.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final Paint DEFAULT_GRID_BAND_PAINT
      The default grid band paint.

      public static final Paint DEFAULT_GRID_BAND_ALTERNATE_PAINT
      The default paint for alternate grid bands.
  • Constructor Details

    • SymbolAxis

      public SymbolAxis(String label, String[] sv)
      Constructs a symbol axis, using default attribute values where necessary.
      label - the axis label (null permitted).
      sv - the list of symbols to display instead of the numeric values.
  • Method Details

    • getSymbols

      public String[] getSymbols()
      Returns an array of the symbols for the axis.
      The symbols.
    • isGridBandsVisible

      public boolean isGridBandsVisible()
      Returns the flag that controls whether or not grid bands are drawn for the axis. The default value is true.
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • setGridBandsVisible

      public void setGridBandsVisible(boolean flag)
      Sets the flag that controls whether or not grid bands are drawn for this axis and notifies registered listeners that the axis has been modified. Each band is the area between two adjacent gridlines running perpendicular to the axis. When the bands are drawn they are filled with the colors getGridBandPaint() and getGridBandAlternatePaint() in an alternating sequence.
      flag - the new setting.
      See Also:
    • getGridBandPaint

      public Paint getGridBandPaint()
      Returns the paint used to color grid bands (two colors are used alternately, the other is returned by getGridBandAlternatePaint()). The default value is DEFAULT_GRID_BAND_PAINT.
      The paint (never null).
      See Also:
    • setGridBandPaint

      public void setGridBandPaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the grid band paint and notifies registered listeners that the axis has been changed. See the setGridBandsVisible(boolean) method for more information about grid bands.
      paint - the paint (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • getGridBandAlternatePaint

      public Paint getGridBandAlternatePaint()
      Returns the second paint used to color grid bands (two colors are used alternately, the other is returned by getGridBandPaint()). The default value is DEFAULT_GRID_BAND_ALTERNATE_PAINT (transparent).
      The paint (never null).
      See Also:
    • setGridBandAlternatePaint

      public void setGridBandAlternatePaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the grid band paint and notifies registered listeners that the axis has been changed. See the setGridBandsVisible(boolean) method for more information about grid bands.
      paint - the paint (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • selectAutoTickUnit

      protected void selectAutoTickUnit(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge)
      This operation is not supported by this axis.
      selectAutoTickUnit in class NumberAxis
      g2 - the graphics device.
      dataArea - the area in which the plot and axes should be drawn.
      edge - the edge along which the axis is drawn.
    • draw

      public AxisState draw(Graphics2D g2, double cursor, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge, PlotRenderingInfo plotState)
      Draws the axis on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a printer).
      draw in class NumberAxis
      g2 - the graphics device (null not permitted).
      cursor - the cursor location.
      plotArea - the area within which the plot and axes should be drawn (null not permitted).
      dataArea - the area within which the data should be drawn (null not permitted).
      edge - the axis location (null not permitted).
      plotState - collects information about the plot (null permitted).
      The axis state (never null).
    • drawGridBands

      protected void drawGridBands(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge, List ticks)
      Draws the grid bands (alternate bands are colored using getGridBandPaint() and getGridBandAlternatePaint().
      g2 - the graphics target (null not permitted).
      plotArea - the area within which the plot is drawn (null not permitted).
      dataArea - the data area to which the axes are aligned (null not permitted).
      edge - the edge to which the axis is aligned (null not permitted).
      ticks - the ticks (null not permitted).
    • drawGridBandsHorizontal

      protected void drawGridBandsHorizontal(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D dataArea, boolean firstGridBandIsDark, List ticks)
      Draws the grid bands for the axis when it is at the top or bottom of the plot.
      g2 - the graphics target (null not permitted).
      plotArea - the area within which the plot is drawn (not used here).
      dataArea - the area for the data (to which the axes are aligned, null not permitted).
      firstGridBandIsDark - True: the first grid band takes the color of gridBandPaint. False: the second grid band takes the color of gridBandPaint.
      ticks - a list of ticks (null not permitted).
    • drawGridBandsVertical

      protected void drawGridBandsVertical(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea, Rectangle2D dataArea, boolean firstGridBandIsDark, List ticks)
      Draws the grid bands for an axis that is aligned to the left or right of the data area (that is, a vertical axis).
      g2 - the graphics target (null not permitted).
      plotArea - the area within which the plot is drawn (not used here).
      dataArea - the area for the data (to which the axes are aligned, null not permitted).
      firstGridBandIsDark - True: the first grid band takes the color of gridBandPaint. False: the second grid band takes the color of gridBandPaint.
      ticks - a list of ticks (null not permitted).
    • autoAdjustRange

      protected void autoAdjustRange()
      Rescales the axis to ensure that all data is visible.
      autoAdjustRange in class NumberAxis
    • refreshTicks

      public List refreshTicks(Graphics2D g2, AxisState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge)
      Calculates the positions of the tick labels for the axis, storing the results in the tick label list (ready for drawing).
      refreshTicks in class NumberAxis
      g2 - the graphics device.
      state - the axis state.
      dataArea - the area in which the data should be drawn.
      edge - the location of the axis.
      A list of ticks.
    • refreshTicksHorizontal

      protected List refreshTicksHorizontal(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge)
      Calculates the positions of the tick labels for the axis, storing the results in the tick label list (ready for drawing).
      refreshTicksHorizontal in class NumberAxis
      g2 - the graphics device.
      dataArea - the area in which the data should be drawn.
      edge - the location of the axis.
      The ticks.
    • refreshTicksVertical

      protected List refreshTicksVertical(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge)
      Calculates the positions of the tick labels for the axis, storing the results in the tick label list (ready for drawing).
      refreshTicksVertical in class NumberAxis
      g2 - the graphics device.
      dataArea - the area in which the plot should be drawn.
      edge - the location of the axis.
      The ticks.
    • valueToString

      public String valueToString(double value)
      Converts a value to a string, using the list of symbols.
      value - value to convert.
      The symbol.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests this axis for equality with an arbitrary object.
      equals in class NumberAxis
      obj - the object (null permitted).
      A boolean.