Module platform

Class XYShapeRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, AnnotationChangeListener, LegendItemSource, XYItemRenderer, PublicCloneable

public class XYShapeRenderer extends AbstractXYItemRenderer implements XYItemRenderer, Cloneable, PublicCloneable, Serializable
A renderer that draws shapes at (x, y) coordinates and, if the dataset is an instance of XYZDataset, fills the shapes with a paint that is based on the z-value (the paint is obtained from a lookup table). The renderer also allows for optional guidelines, horizontal and vertical lines connecting the shape to the edges of the plot.

The example shown here is generated by the program included in the JFreeChart demo collection:


This renderer has similarities to, but also differences from, the XYLineAndShapeRenderer.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • XYShapeRenderer

      public XYShapeRenderer()
      Creates a new XYShapeRenderer instance with default attributes.
  • Method Details

    • getPaintScale

      public PaintScale getPaintScale()
      Returns the paint scale used by the renderer.
      The paint scale (never null).
      See Also:
    • setPaintScale

      public void setPaintScale(PaintScale scale)
      Sets the paint scale used by the renderer and sends a RendererChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      scale - the scale (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • getDrawOutlines

      public boolean getDrawOutlines()
      Returns true if outlines should be drawn for shapes, and false otherwise.
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • setDrawOutlines

      public void setDrawOutlines(boolean flag)
      Sets the flag that controls whether outlines are drawn for shapes, and sends a RendererChangeEvent to all registered listeners.

      In some cases, shapes look better if they do NOT have an outline, but this flag allows you to set your own preference.

      flag - the flag.
      See Also:
    • getUseFillPaint

      public boolean getUseFillPaint()
      Returns true if the renderer should use the fill paint setting to fill shapes, and false if it should just use the regular paint.

      Refer to to see the effect of this flag.

      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • setUseFillPaint

      public void setUseFillPaint(boolean flag)
      Sets the flag that controls whether the fill paint is used to fill shapes, and sends a RendererChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      flag - the flag.
      See Also:
    • getUseOutlinePaint

      public boolean getUseOutlinePaint()
      Returns the flag that controls whether the outline paint is used for shape outlines. If not, the regular series paint is used.
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • setUseOutlinePaint

      public void setUseOutlinePaint(boolean use)
      Sets the flag that controls whether the outline paint is used for shape outlines, and sends a RendererChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      use - the flag.
      See Also:
    • isGuideLinesVisible

      public boolean isGuideLinesVisible()
      Returns a flag that controls whether or not guide lines are drawn for each data item (the lines are horizontal and vertical "crosshairs" linking the data point to the axes).
      A boolean.
      See Also:
    • setGuideLinesVisible

      public void setGuideLinesVisible(boolean visible)
      Sets the flag that controls whether or not guide lines are drawn for each data item and sends a RendererChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      visible - the new flag value.
      See Also:
    • getGuideLinePaint

      public Paint getGuideLinePaint()
      Returns the paint used to draw the guide lines.
      The paint (never null).
      See Also:
    • setGuideLinePaint

      public void setGuideLinePaint(Paint paint)
      Sets the paint used to draw the guide lines and sends a RendererChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      paint - the paint (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • getGuideLineStroke

      public Stroke getGuideLineStroke()
      Returns the stroke used to draw the guide lines.
      The stroke.
      See Also:
    • setGuideLineStroke

      public void setGuideLineStroke(Stroke stroke)
      Sets the stroke used to draw the guide lines and sends a RendererChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      stroke - the stroke (null not permitted).
      See Also:
    • findDomainBounds

      public Range findDomainBounds(XYDataset dataset)
      Returns the lower and upper bounds (range) of the x-values in the specified dataset.
      Specified by:
      findDomainBounds in interface XYItemRenderer
      findDomainBounds in class AbstractXYItemRenderer
      dataset - the dataset (null permitted).
      The range (null if the dataset is null or empty).
      See Also:
    • findRangeBounds

      public Range findRangeBounds(XYDataset dataset)
      Returns the range of values the renderer requires to display all the items from the specified dataset.
      Specified by:
      findRangeBounds in interface XYItemRenderer
      findRangeBounds in class AbstractXYItemRenderer
      dataset - the dataset (null permitted).
      The range (null if the dataset is null or empty).
      See Also:
    • findZBounds

      public Range findZBounds(XYZDataset dataset)
      Return the range of z-values in the specified dataset.
      dataset - the dataset (null permitted).
      The range (null if the dataset is null or empty).
    • getPassCount

      public int getPassCount()
      Returns the number of passes required by this renderer.
      Specified by:
      getPassCount in interface XYItemRenderer
      getPassCount in class AbstractXYItemRenderer
    • drawItem

      public void drawItem(Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass)
      Draws the block representing the specified item.
      Specified by:
      drawItem in interface XYItemRenderer
      g2 - the graphics device.
      state - the state.
      dataArea - the data area.
      info - the plot rendering info.
      plot - the plot.
      domainAxis - the x-axis.
      rangeAxis - the y-axis.
      dataset - the dataset.
      series - the series index.
      item - the item index.
      crosshairState - the crosshair state.
      pass - the pass index.
    • getPaint

      protected Paint getPaint(XYDataset dataset, int series, int item)
      Get the paint for a given series and item from a dataset.
      dataset - the dataset.
      series - the series index.
      item - the item index.
      The paint.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests this instance for equality with an arbitrary object. This method returns true if and only if:
      • obj is an instance of XYShapeRenderer (not null);
      • obj has the same field values as this XYShapeRenderer;
      equals in class AbstractXYItemRenderer
      obj - the object (null permitted).
      A boolean.
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Returns a clone of this renderer.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface PublicCloneable
      clone in class AbstractXYItemRenderer
      A clone of this renderer.
      CloneNotSupportedException - if there is a problem creating the clone.