Module platform

Class DefaultFlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>

Type Parameters:
K - the type for the keys used to identify sources and destinations (instances should be immutable, String is a good default choice).
All Implemented Interfaces:
ObjectInputValidation, Serializable, Cloneable, PublicCloneable, FlowDataset<K>, Dataset

public class DefaultFlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>> extends AbstractDataset implements FlowDataset<K>, PublicCloneable, Serializable
A dataset representing flows between source and destination nodes.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultFlowDataset

      public DefaultFlowDataset()
      Creates a new dataset that is initially empty.
  • Method Details

    • getSources

      public List<K> getSources(int stage)
      Returns a list of the source nodes for the specified stage.
      Specified by:
      getSources in interface FlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>
      stage - the stage (0 to getStageCount() - 1).
      A list of source nodes (possibly empty but never null).
    • getDestinations

      public List<K> getDestinations(int stage)
      Returns a list of the destination nodes for the specified stage.
      Specified by:
      getDestinations in interface FlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>
      stage - the stage (0 to getStageCount() - 1).
      A list of destination nodes (possibly empty but never null).
    • getAllNodes

      public Set<NodeKey<K>> getAllNodes()
      Returns the set of keys for all the nodes in the dataset.
      Specified by:
      getAllNodes in interface FlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>
      The set of keys for all the nodes in the dataset (possibly empty but never null).
    • getNodeProperty

      public Object getNodeProperty(NodeKey<K> nodeKey, String propertyKey)
      Returns the value of a property, if specified, for the specified node.
      Specified by:
      getNodeProperty in interface FlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>
      nodeKey - the node key (null not permitted).
      propertyKey - the node key (null not permitted).
      The property value, or null.
    • setNodeProperty

      public void setNodeProperty(NodeKey<K> nodeKey, String propertyKey, Object value)
      Sets a property for the specified node and notifies registered listeners that the dataset has changed.
      nodeKey - the node key (null not permitted).
      propertyKey - the property key (null not permitted).
      value - the property value.
    • getFlow

      public Number getFlow(int stage, K source, K destination)
      Returns the flow between a source node and a destination node at a specified stage. This must be 0 or greater. The dataset can return null to represent an unknown value.
      Specified by:
      getFlow in interface FlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>
      stage - the stage index (0 to getStageCount() - 1).
      source - the source (null not permitted).
      destination - the destination (null not permitted).
      The flow (zero or greater, possibly null).
    • setFlow

      public void setFlow(int stage, K source, K destination, double flow)
      Sets the flow between a source node and a destination node at the specified stage. A new stage will be added if stage is equal to getStageCount().
      stage - the stage (0 to getStageCount().
      source - the source (null not permitted).
      destination - the destination (null not permitted).
      flow - the flow (0 or greater).
    • getFlowProperty

      public Object getFlowProperty(FlowKey<K> flowKey, String propertyKey)
      Returns the value of a property, if specified, for the specified flow.
      Specified by:
      getFlowProperty in interface FlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>
      flowKey - flowKey (null not permitted).
      propertyKey - the property key (null not permitted).
      The property value, or null.
    • setFlowProperty

      public void setFlowProperty(FlowKey<K> flowKey, String propertyKey, Object value)
      Sets a property for the specified flow and notifies registered listeners that the dataset has changed.
      flowKey - the node key (null not permitted).
      propertyKey - the property key (null not permitted).
      value - the property value.
    • getStageCount

      public int getStageCount()
      Returns the number of flow stages. A flow dataset always has one or more stages, so this method will return 1 even for an empty dataset (one with no sources, destinations or flows defined).
      Specified by:
      getStageCount in interface FlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>
      The number of flow stages.
    • getAllFlows

      public Set<FlowKey<K>> getAllFlows()
      Returns a set of keys for all the flows in the dataset.
      Specified by:
      getAllFlows in interface FlowDataset<K extends Comparable<K>>
      A set.
    • getInFlows

      public List<FlowKey<K>> getInFlows(NodeKey nodeKey)
      Returns a list of flow keys for all the flows coming into this node.
      nodeKey - the node key (null not permitted).
      A list of flow keys (possibly empty but never null).
    • getOutFlows

      public List<FlowKey> getOutFlows(NodeKey nodeKey)
      Returns a list of flow keys for all the flows going out of this node.
      nodeKey - the node key (null not permitted).
      A list of flow keys (possibly empty but never null).
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      Returns a clone of the dataset.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface PublicCloneable
      clone in class AbstractDataset
      A clone of the dataset.
      CloneNotSupportedException - if there is a problem with cloning.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Tests this dataset for equality with an arbitrary object. This method will return true if the object implements the FlowDataset and defines the exact same set of nodes and flows as this dataset.
      equals in class Object
      obj - the object to test equality against (null permitted).
      A boolean.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object