Module rgg
Package de.grogra.rgg

Class FluxLightModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Manageable, Shareable

public class FluxLightModel extends LightModelBase

The FluxLightModel class provides a spectral light model, used to compute the spectral light distribution in the current graph. The light model is created with one of its constructors.

FluxLightModel lm = new FluxLightModel();

The light model computes the light distribution by simulating many photons through the scene. The total emitted light power is distributed over all photons. The user can specify the maximum number of simulated photons using setRayCount(int). The user can also specify a maximum variance for some given power quantum using setTargetVariance(double, double). The simulation will compute the appropriate sample count to achieve the target variance. Note that this sample count is an overestimation. The light model will select the minimum of both methods as the actual sample count.

Each photon bounces through the scene and any absorbed power is recorded with the objects the photon visits. Besides absorbed power, the simulation also computes sensed irradiance for sensors. Simulating many sensors can be quite costly and can be disabled using setEnableSensors(boolean). The user may specify a maximum path depth to limit the duration of the simulation using setDepth(int). When a simulated photon is almost completely absorbed, further simulation adds little value. Therefore, the user can specify a cutoff power using setCutoffPower(double); As soon as the photon power drops below this threshold, the photon is killed off.

The light model supports three different modes of measuring spectral power. Either it computes regular RGB, a full discretized spectrum or a few weighted integrals over the spectrum. The measure mode is set using {@link #lm.setMeasureMode}.

The following code sets the measure mode to RGB. No further settings are required for this mode. RGB is the default measure mode. The computed measurements are 3 dimensional vectors with channels r,g and b.


The following code sets the measure mode to full discretized spectral measurements. The spectral domain [l,h] is divided into n buckets of equal sized intervals [l + i * (h-l) / n, l + (i + 1) * (h-l) / n]. The simulation computes the absorbed power in each bucket for each measurement. The dimension of the computed measurements equals the number of buckets. The user has to specify the spectral domain using setSpectralDomain(int, int) and the discretization resolution using setSpectralBuckets(int). The user may also supply a continuous spectral importance curve. The curve indicates importance and is used for importance sampling over the continuous spectral domain. Regions of high importance will receive more samples and get a more accurate estimate. The spectral importance curve applies to both the discretized measurement mode and the weighted integral mode discussed next. The curve is defined continuously over the whole spectral domain, even though in discrete spectral mode the measured spectra themselves are not continuous. In the following example, the spectral importance curve shows a peak around 500 nm, resulting in improved measuring accuracy around this wavelength. Note that the importance curve does not alter the expected outcome of the simulation, only the distribution of variance over the spectral domain.



SpectralCurve importanceCurve = new IrregularSpectralCurve( {350,400,450,500,550,720} , {2,2,5,8,4,2} );
lm.setSpectralImportanceCurve( importanceCurve );

The following code sets the measurement mode to weighted integration. The simulation computes weighted integrals over the absorbed power for each measurement. The user has to specify the spectral domain using setSpectralDomain(int, int) and the weight functions using setSpectralWeightCurves(de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.SpectralCurve[]). The user may again specify a spectral importance function. Note however that in weighted integration mode the light model already uses the weight functions for spectral importance sampling.


SpectralCurve [] weightCurve = {
new IrregularSpectralCurve( {350 , 500 , 510 , 520 , 720} , {0,0,1,0,0} ),
new IrregularSpectralCurve( {350 , 600 , 610 , 620 , 720} , {0,0,1,0,0} )

lm.setSpectralWeightCurves( weightCurve );

The simulation is executed using compute(). By default, first the scene is built after which the light distribution is computed.


Rebuilding a large scene can be costly. If the user wishes to simulate the same scene multiple times while only modifying the light sources, the user can instruct the simulation to skip the scene build.

// build the scene and compute the distribution

// ... modify light sources here

// compute new distribution without rebuilding the scene.

For RGB mode simulations, the simulation results can be obtained for each object trough LightModelBase.getAbsorbedPower3d(de.grogra.graph.impl.Node) and LightModelBase.getSensedIrradiance3d(de.grogra.graph.impl.Node). The user can also get a handle to the corresponding Experiment objects using getAbsorbedPower(de.grogra.graph.impl.Node) and getSensedIrradiance(de.grogra.graph.impl.Node), which contains a mapping from objects to measurements. Multiple experiment objects can be aggregated into one experiment. The following code computes the total absorbed power over the course of one day. All static light sources are simulated only once while the contribution of the sun between 4:00 and 22:00 is integrated using the midpoint rule with time steps of 1 hour. The simulations are aggregated into a single experiment, containing the measured data for one whole day.

// ... enable all static lights
// ... disable the sun

// perform simulation
Experiment exp = lm.getAbsorbedPower();

exp.mul( 24 );

// ... disable all static lights
// ... enable the sun

for( int time = 4 ; time < 22 ; time++ )
// ... move the sun to its position at [time] + 30 minutes.

// perform simulation

// aggregate experiments
Experiment sun_exp = lm.getAbsorbedPower();
exp.aggregate( sun_exp, 1 );

// ... use the final aggregates experiment data in exp
Dietger van Antwerpen <>
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FluxLightModel

      public FluxLightModel()
      Creates a default light model with 30.000 rays per computation and a ray depth of 10.
    • FluxLightModel

      public FluxLightModel(int sampleCount, int depth)
      Creates a light model
      rayCount - the number of samples per computation
      depth - the maximum ray depth
    • FluxLightModel

      public FluxLightModel(int sampleCount, int depth, double cutoffPower)
      Creates a light model
      rayCount - the number of samples per computation
      depth - the maximum ray depth
      cutoffPower - the maximum neglectable power quantum
    • FluxLightModel

      public FluxLightModel(int sampleCount, int depth, double cutoffPower, boolean enableSensors)
      Creates a light model
      rayCount - the number of samples per computation
      depth - the maximum ray depth
      cutoffPower - the maximum neglectable power quantum
      enableSensors - sensors are simulated if true
  • Method Details

    • getManageableType

      public ManageableType getManageableType()
    • isSensorsEnabled

      public boolean isSensorsEnabled()
      returns true if sensors are enabled
    • getDepth

      public int getDepth()
      returns the maximum rays depth per sample
    • getRandomSeed

      public int getRandomSeed()
      returns the random seed
    • setRandomSeed

      public void setRandomSeed(int value)
      sets the random seed
    • setSeed

      public void setSeed(int value)
      sets the random seed
    • getRayCount

      public int getRayCount()
      returns the maximum sample count per compute
    • getMinLambda

      public int getMinLambda()
      returns the lower boundary of the simulated spectrum domain
    • getMaxLambda

      public int getMaxLambda()
      returns the upper boundary of the simulated spectrum domain
    • getSpectralBuckets

      public int getSpectralBuckets()
      returns the spectrum discretization resolution in buckets
    • getCutoffPower

      public double getCutoffPower()
      returns the maximum neglectable power quantum
    • getMeasureMode

      public FluxLightModelTracer.MeasureMode getMeasureMode()
      returns the current measure mode
    • getSpectralWeightCurve

      public SpectralCurve[] getSpectralWeightCurve()
      returns the spectral weight functions
    • getSpectralImportanceCurve

      public SpectralCurve getSpectralImportanceCurve()
      returns the spectral importance function
    • setEnableSensors

      public void setEnableSensors(boolean enableSensors)
      Enables the simulation of sensor
      enableSensors - true enables the sensors
    • setCutoffPower

      public void setCutoffPower(double minPower)
      Sets the maximum neglectable power quantum
      minPower - maximum neglectable power quantum
    • setDepth

      public void setDepth(int depth)
      Sets the maximum ray depth per sample
      depth - maximum ray depth per sample
    • setRandomseed

      public void setRandomseed(int seed)
      Sets the random seed for the random number generator
      seed -
    • setRayCount

      public void setRayCount(int sampleCount)
      Sets the maximum sample count per simulation
      sampleCount - maximum sample count
    • setSpectralWeightCurves

      public void setSpectralWeightCurves(SpectralCurve[] weightCurves)
      Sets the spectral weight functions
      weightCurves - array of spectral weight functions
    • setSpectralImportanceCurve

      public void setSpectralImportanceCurve(SpectralCurve importanceCurve)
      Sets the spectral importance function, used for spectral importance sampling. The spectral importance function indicates regions of interest within the spectral domain. Setting an importance function does not alter the expected outcome, but may influence the distribution of variance in the spectral domain.
      importanceCurve - spectral importance functions
    • setSpectralBuckets

      public void setSpectralBuckets(int spectralBuckets)
      Sets the spectrum discretization resolution in buckets. Measured discretized spectral distributions are represented by buckets, dividing the spectral domain in equal sized intervals
      spectralBuckets - bucket resolution
    • setMeasureMode

      public void setMeasureMode(FluxLightModelTracer.MeasureMode measureMode)
      Sets the current measurement mode. There are three possible measurement modi. FULL_SPECTRUM: Measure the full spectral range, specified using setSpectralDomain(int, int). The spectral resolution is specified using INTEGRATED_SPECTRUM: Measure weighted spectral integrals, specified using setSpectralWeightCurves(de.grogra.gpuflux.imp3d.spectral.SpectralCurve[]) RGB: Measure RGB values Spectral dispersion only applies to FULL_SPECTRUM and INTEGRATED_SPECTRUM and may be enabled using setDispersion(boolean)
      measureMode - measurement mode
    • setSpectralDomain

      public void setSpectralDomain(int minLambda, int maxLambda)
      Sets the simulated spectral domain. The domain is assumed to be non-empty
      minLambda - lower boundary wavelength
      maxLambda - upper boundary wavelength
    • setTargetVariance

      public void setTargetVariance(double minPower, double targetVariance)
      Sets the required maximum target variance for some minimum measurable power quantum. When calling compute(), the simulation computes the minimum number of samples required to achieve the maximum target variance #targetVariance on any measurement of at least #minPower for the given scene.
      minPower - minimal measurable power quantum
      targetVariance - maximum target variance
    • setDispersion

      public void setDispersion(boolean dispersion)
      Enables dispersion
      dispersion - true enables dispersion
    • setFlatness

      public void setFlatness(float flatness)
      Sets the tessellation flatness for polygonizable objects
      flatness - positive flatness parameter with 0 being infinite tessellation.
    • setMeasureObjectFilter

      public void setMeasureObjectFilter(ObjectFilter measureObjectFilter)
      Sets the object filter for filtering measurable objects. All objects will participate in the simulation but the absorbed power is only computed for the filtered objects
      measureObjectFilter - Object filter
    • build

      public void build()
      Rebuild the scene
    • compute

      public void compute()
      Compute the light distribution
      Specified by:
      compute in class LightModelBase
    • compute

      public void compute(boolean forceCompute)
      Compute the light distribution
      Specified by:
      compute in class LightModelBase
      forceCompute - if true forces recomputation of the light distribution
    • compute

      public void compute(boolean forceCompute, boolean forceBuild)
      (Re-)computes the light distribution in the current graph.
      forceCompute - if true forces recomputation of the light distribution
      forceBuild - if true forces rebuilding of the scene
    • compute

      public void compute(Spectrum spectrumFactory)
      (Re-)computes the light distribution in the current graph.
      Specified by:
      compute in class LightModelBase
      spectrumFactory - factrory for spectrum objects, not used in Flux light model
    • compute

      public void compute(Spectrum spectrumFactory, boolean force)
      (Re-)computes the light distribution in the current graph.
      Specified by:
      compute in class LightModelBase
      spectrumFactory - factrory for spectrum objects, not used in Flux light model
      force - if true forces recomputation of the light distribution
    • getAbsorbedPower

      public Spectrum getAbsorbedPower(Node node)
      Description copied from class: LightModelBase
      Returns the radiant power in Watts which is absorbed by the surface of the volume of the given node. If the node does not define a volume, the zero spectrum is returned.
      Specified by:
      getAbsorbedPower in class LightModelBase
      node - a node of the graph
      the absorbed radiant power of the node
    • getSensedIrradiance

      public Spectrum getSensedIrradiance(Node node)
      Description copied from class: LightModelBase
      Returns the irradiance in Watts per square meter which is sensed by the sensor attached to the volume of the given node. If the node does not define a volume with a sensor, the zero spectrum is returned.
      Specified by:
      getSensedIrradiance in class LightModelBase
      node - a node of the graph
      the sensed irradiance of the node
    • getSensedIrradiance

      public Experiment getSensedIrradiance()
      Returns the experiment data on sensed irradiance, computed during the last call to compute()
      sensed irradiance data
    • getAbsorbedPower

      public Experiment getAbsorbedPower()
      Returns the experiment data on absorbed power, computed during the last call to compute()
      absorbed power data
    • getSensedIrradianceMeasurement

      public Measurement getSensedIrradianceMeasurement(Node node)
      Returns the irradiance sensed by a node during the last call to compute()
      node - node for which the absorbed power is returned
      sensed irradiance
    • getAbsorbedPowerMeasurement

      public Measurement getAbsorbedPowerMeasurement(Node node)
      Returns the power absorbed by a node during the last call to compute()
      node - node for which the absorbed power is returned
      absorbed power
    • setLayerVisible

      public void setLayerVisible(int layer, boolean visible)
      Description copied from class: LightModelBase
      sets the visibility of a layer
      Specified by:
      setLayerVisible in class LightModelBase