Module platform

Interface PieURLGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomPieURLGenerator, StandardPieURLGenerator

public interface PieURLGenerator
Interface for a URL generator for plots that use data from a PieDataset. Classes that implement this interface:
  • are responsible for correctly escaping any text that is derived from the dataset, as this may be user-specified and could pose a security risk;
  • should be either (a) immutable, or (b) cloneable via the PublicCloneable interface (defined in the JCommon class library). This provides a mechanism for the referring plot to clone the generator if necessary.
  • Method Details

    • generateURL

      String generateURL(PieDataset dataset, Comparable key, int pieIndex)
      Generates a URL for one item in a PieDataset. As a guideline, the URL should be valid within the context of an XHTML 1.0 document.
      dataset - the dataset (null not permitted).
      key - the item key (null not permitted).
      pieIndex - the pie index (differentiates between pies in a 'multi' pie chart).
      A string containing the URL.