Module gpuFlux

Class PhysicalLight

All Implemented Interfaces:
Raytraceable, Light, Scattering, Manageable, Shareable, Emitter, Light, Scattering

public class PhysicalLight extends PointLight
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PhysicalLight

      public PhysicalLight()
      physical light constructor
    • PhysicalLight

      public PhysicalLight(LightDistributionIF distribution)
      physical light constructor
      distribution - is the light emission distribution over the unit sphere
    • PhysicalLight

      public PhysicalLight(double[][] distribution)
      physical light constructor
      distribution - is the 2D discretized light emission distribution over the unit sphere
  • Method Details

    • getManageableType

      public ManageableType getManageableType()
      Specified by:
      getManageableType in interface Manageable
      getManageableType in class PointLight
    • getDistribution

      public LightDistributionIF getDistribution()
    • setDistribution

      public void setDistribution(LightDistributionIF value)
    • setDistribution

      public void setDistribution(double[][] distribution)
      sets the light emission dsitribution
      distribution - is the 2D discretized light emission distribution over the unit sphere
    • setDistribution

      public void setDistribution(Light light)
      sets the light emission dsitribution by discretizing the emission distribution of an existing light source
      light - is used to construct a discretized emission distribution
    • draw

      protected void draw(Tuple3f color, RenderState rs)
      draw in class PointLight
    • generateRandomRays

      public void generateRandomRays(Environment env, Vector3f out, Spectrum specOut, RayList rays, boolean adjoint, Random rnd)
      Description copied from interface: Scattering
      Pseudorandomly generates, for the given input, a set of scattered rays. The scattered rays are generated such that they can be used for a Monte Carlo integration of a function f(ω;ν) over cos θ BSDF(ωi, νi; ωo, νo) in the following way:
      • If adjoint is false, out = ωo describes the direction of an outgoing light ray. In this case, the integration is with respect to ωi. Let g(ω, ν; out, μ) = BSDF(ω, ν; out, μ)
      • Otherwise, adjoint is true. In this case, out = ωi describes the direction of an outgoing importance ray (an inverse light ray). Now the integration is with respect to ωo. Let g(ω, ν; out, μ) = BSDF(out, μ; ω, ν)
      Let di and si denote the directions and spectra of the N generated rays (N = rays.size). Then, for every frequency ν the sum
      1 / N ∑i si(ν) f(di; ν)
      is an unbiased estimate for the integral
      ∫ cos θ f(ω; ν) g(ω, ν; out, μ) specOut(μ) dμ dω
      θ is the angle between the surface normal and ω. The domain of integration is the whole sphere, since the bidirectional scattering distribution includes both reflection and transmission (BSDF = BRDF + BTDF).

      If this Scattering instance is in fact a Light source, adjoint is true, and the BSDF is defined as BSDF(out, μ; ω, ν) = L1(ω, ν) δ(μ - ν), i.e., the directional distribution of the emitted radiance at env.point, see Emitter. In this case, out is not used.

      If this Scattering instance is in fact a Sensor, adjoint is false, and the BSDF is defined as BSDF(ω, ν; out, μ) = W1(ω, ν) δ(μ - ν), i.e., the directional distribution of the emitted importance at env.point, see Emitter. In this case, out is not used.

      Let pω be the probability density used for the ray direction (measured with respect to solid angle ω), then the field directionDensity of the ray i is set to pω(di). For ideal specular reflection or transmission, or for directional lights or sensors, pω is not a regular function, the value directionDensity will be set to a multiple of Scattering.DELTA_FACTOR.

      The ray properties which are not mentioned in the given formulas are neither used nor modified. These are the origin and its density.

      Specified by:
      generateRandomRays in interface Scattering
      generateRandomRays in class PointLight
      env - the environment for scattering
      out - the direction unit vector of the outgoing ray (i.e., pointing away from the surface)
      specOut - the spectrum of the outgoing ray
      rays - the rays to be generated
      adjoint - represents out a light ray or an importance ray?
      rnd - pseudorandom generator
      See Also:
    • getDensityAt

      protected float getDensityAt(Vector3f direction)
      getDensityAt in class PointLight