Module jEdit

Class EvalError

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ParseException, TargetError

public class EvalError extends Exception
EvalError indicates that we cannot continue evaluating the script or the script has thrown an exception. EvalError may be thrown for a script syntax error, an evaluation error such as referring to an undefined variable, an internal error.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EvalError

      public EvalError(String s, org.gjt.sp.jedit.bsh.SimpleNode node, CallStack callstack)
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      Print the error with line number and stack trace.
      toString in class Throwable
    • reThrow

      public void reThrow(String msg) throws EvalError
      Re-throw the error, prepending the specified message.
    • getErrorText

      public String getErrorText()
    • getErrorLineNumber

      public int getErrorLineNumber()
    • getErrorSourceFile

      public String getErrorSourceFile()
    • getScriptStackTrace

      public String getScriptStackTrace()
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      getMessage in class Throwable
      See Also:
    • setMessage

      public void setMessage(String s)
    • prependMessage

      protected void prependMessage(String s)
      Prepend the message if it is non-null.