Module platform

Interface XYAnnotationBoundsInfo

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface XYAnnotationBoundsInfo
An interface that supplies information about the bounds of the annotation.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a flag that determines whether or not the annotation's bounds should be taken into account for auto-range calculations on the axes that the annotation is plotted against.
    Returns the range of x-values (in data space) that the annotation uses.
    Returns the range of y-values (in data space) that the annotation uses.
  • Method Details

    • getIncludeInDataBounds

      boolean getIncludeInDataBounds()
      Returns a flag that determines whether or not the annotation's bounds should be taken into account for auto-range calculations on the axes that the annotation is plotted against.
      A boolean.
    • getXRange

      Range getXRange()
      Returns the range of x-values (in data space) that the annotation uses.
      The x-range.
    • getYRange

      Range getYRange()
      Returns the range of y-values (in data space) that the annotation uses.
      The y-range.