Module utilities

Interface Lockable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttributeOverwritingFilter, GraphBase, GraphFilter, GraphManager, HighlightFilter, LockableImpl, PersistenceManager, TopologyGraph

public interface Lockable
An instance of Lockable is a resource on which read- or write-locked tasks can be performed. Several read-locked tasks may be executed concurrently, while only a single write-locked task may be executed at the same time. A write-locked task excludes the concurrent execution of both read- and write-locked tasks, so a write lock is an exclusive lock.

Locks are re-entrant: A task which is executed using a lock may execute further nested, locked tasks in the same thread.

Tasks which should be executed using a lock are specified by implementations of LockProtectedRunnable. The lock/unlock operations are performed implicitly before and after invocation of the method run in LockProtectedRunnable. However, a task may invoke Lock.retain() on its lock in order to suppress the unlock operation after the task has completed: In this case, the lock may be kept for a while and even passed to another thread until it is eventually passed to one of the execute methods of Lockable.

Ole Kniemeyer
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    An instance of DeadLockException is thrown by executeForcedly(LockProtectedRunnable, boolean) if the operation would result in a dead-lock condition.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    execute(LockProtectedRunnable task, boolean write)
    Asynchronously executes a task such that it possesses a lock on this Lockable.
    Asynchronously executes a task using a lock which has been retained before within another task.
    executeForcedly(LockProtectedRunnable task, boolean write)
    Synchronously executes a task such that it possesses a lock on this Lockable.
    Synchronously executes a task using a lock which has been retained before within another task.
    Returns the waiting time of the pending task which is waiting longest, or -1 if there is no pending task.
    Returns the current number of tasks which are waiting for locked execution.
    isLocked(boolean write)
    Determines if the current thread has a lock for this Lockable.
  • Method Details

    • execute

      void execute(LockProtectedRunnable task, boolean write)
      Asynchronously executes a task such that it possesses a lock on this Lockable. Note that the execution is asynchronous, so that the thread in which the task will actually be executed may differ from the current thread.
      task - the task to execute
      write - shall a write lock be obtained?
    • execute

      void execute(LockProtectedRunnable task, Lock retained)
      Asynchronously executes a task using a lock which has been retained before within another task. Note that the execution is asynchronous, so that the thread in which the task will actually be executed may differ from the current thread.
      task - the task to execute
      retained - the previously retained lock
      See Also:
    • executeForcedly

      void executeForcedly(LockProtectedRunnable task, boolean write) throws InterruptedException, Lockable.DeadLockException
      Synchronously executes a task such that it possesses a lock on this Lockable. The execution is performed in the current thread.
      task - the task to execute
      write - shall a write lock be obtained?
    • executeForcedly

      void executeForcedly(LockProtectedRunnable task, Lock retained) throws InterruptedException
      Synchronously executes a task using a lock which has been retained before within another task. The execution is performed in the current thread.
      task - the task to execute
      retained - the previously retained lock
      See Also:
    • isLocked

      boolean isLocked(boolean write)
      Determines if the current thread has a lock for this Lockable.
      write - check for write locks only (true) or for both read and write locks (false)
      true if the current thread has a lock
    • getQueueLength

      int getQueueLength()
      Returns the current number of tasks which are waiting for locked execution.
      current number of waiting tasks
    • getMaxWaitingTime

      long getMaxWaitingTime()
      Returns the waiting time of the pending task which is waiting longest, or -1 if there is no pending task.
      current maximum waiting time of pending tasks