Interface SubGraph

All Superinterfaces:
GraphObject, RegistryContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
SubGraphImpl, SubGraphRef

public interface SubGraph extends GraphObject
defines what a graph object stored in the subgraph explorer should be able to do
  • Method Details

    • clear

      void clear()
      removes all Nodes except the root
    • apply

      void apply(String name)
      Apply a RGG function on the subgraph
      name - : name of the function
    • applyXL

      void applyXL(String query)
      Apply an XL Query on the SubGraph
      query - : the XL query
    • toMesh

      Node toMesh()
      creates a rendered Mesh of the subGraph
      the Node holding teh mesh
    • toInstance

      Node toInstance()
      creates a Node holding a instanciation of teh SubGraph
      the Node
    • handleSaveEvent

      void handleSaveEvent()
      function triggered by the saving of the project
    • setAutoRecreate

      void setAutoRecreate(boolean b)
      defines if the subgraph is automatically recreated if the model is saved
      b - sets if recreated or not
    • getInitalProducer

      Object getInitalProducer()
      create a new producer to initialize the Graph
    • setCurrent

      void setCurrent()
      set this graph to be the currently used one
    • releaseCurrent

      void releaseCurrent()
      set the project graph to be teh current one