
public abstract class DBSCAN extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DBSCAN

      public DBSCAN()
  • Method Details

    • cluster

      public static List<PointCloudBaseImpl> cluster(PointCloudBaseImpl pc, double epsilon, int minimumNeighbours, int octreeDepth, boolean removeNoiseCluster)
      Clusters the given point cloud with the DBSCAN algorithm by the given parameters
      pc - point cloud to be clustered
      epsilon - The maximum distance for two points that are in the same cluster
      minimumNeighbours - The minimum number of neighbors that must exist for a point to be no noise-cluster point.
      octreeDepth - The number of layers in the octree that is used to cluster the point cloud. This must be > 1 to decrease the runtime of the clustering algorithm.
      removeNoiseCluster - The indicator that can be set to true to remove all points that are not explicitly in an other point cloud.
      A list of point clouds representing the cluster
    • getLeavesAsPointArray

      public static List<ClusterPoint> getLeavesAsPointArray(PointCloudBase pc)
      Converts the leaf nodes of the point cloud to ClusterPoints
      a list containing the leaves as ClusterPoints