Class PickRayVisitor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Visitor, PickVisitor, PickVisitor3D

public class PickRayVisitor extends Visitor3D implements PickVisitor3D
The only difference with imp3d.PickRayVisitor is that this one ignores the Grahp.IGNORED_EDGE
  • Field Details

    • list

      protected PickList list
    • origin

      protected final Point3d origin
    • direction

      protected final Vector3d direction
  • Constructor Details

    • PickRayVisitor

      public PickRayVisitor()
  • Method Details

    • pick

      public void pick(View3D view, int x, int y, Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, PickList list)
      Specified by:
      pick in interface PickVisitor3D
    • visitEnterImpl

      protected void visitEnterImpl(Object object, boolean asNode, Path path)
      Description copied from class: Visitor3D
      This method has to be implemented by subclasses. It is invoked when object is entered.
      Specified by:
      visitEnterImpl in class Visitor3D
      object - the object being entered
      asNode - is object a node or an edge?
      path - the path to object if object is a node, the path to the node where object points to if object is an edge
    • visitLeaveImpl

      protected void visitLeaveImpl(Object object, boolean asNode, Path path)
      Description copied from class: Visitor3D
      This method has to be implemented by subclasses. It is invoked when object is left.
      Specified by:
      visitLeaveImpl in class Visitor3D
      object - the object being left
      asNode - is object a node or an edge?
      path - the path to object if object is a node, the path to the node where object points to if object is an edge
    • pickLines

      public static void pickLines(LineArray lines, Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, Matrix4d transformation, PickList list, int tolerance)
    • pickLine

      public static void pickLine(Point3d basis, Vector3d axis, Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, Matrix4d transformation, PickList list, int tolerance)
    • pickPoint

      public static void pickPoint(Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, Matrix4d transformation, PickList list, int tolerance)
    • pickPoint

      public static void pickPoint(Point3d origin, Vector3d direction, Point3d point, Matrix4d transformation, PickList list, int tolerance)